Quilt ADD in therapy

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Colorado, United States
Other than my family, the passion of my life is quilting. An eclectic, I love a wide variety of styles and techniques encompassing both machine and hand work. I am a longarm quilter who can work for you. I enjoy any style, from pantographs to all-over to full custom, ranging from traditional to modern. I love bringing vintage tops to life and am willing to work with a challenging quilt top. Instagram: lyncc_quilts

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Flimsy Alert! ~ Feathered Goose

 "Feathered Goose" - 60 x 60 inches

This is an oldie-but-goodie retired pattern from Judy Niemeyer. I'd purchased the kit sometime between Jan 2010 and Oct 2011, and it just sat in my storage room for a whole decade! So much gorgeousness just sitting there neglected.

So, in June 2020, I decided to wash the fabrics and cut everything out so I could use this as a stitch-off pile. I never saw it as a Work-In-Progress, so it didn't add to my list of things to do. It was simply a way to avoid having the hold the loose threads behind the presser foot every time I started a string of "real" work, and to one day have a cool bonus quilt top suddenly appear from nowhere!

Yesterday was that day!

My methodology for this: I'd prep as many paper piecing units as I could, then leave them in a stack to the left of my work area. When I finished sewing a chain of units of the priority project, I'd grab the top unit from my stitch-off pile and send it through. I'd leave that one on the threads behind my presser foot when I walked away with my real work, and the machine would be ready and waiting for the next chain of work without having to hold thread ends to start it up. 

Each time I clipped off my chain of work, there'd be one stich-off piece finished, and that went on the slowly growing stack to the right of my work area. When I ran out of prepped pieces, I'd carry the whole sewn stack to the iron, press those, prep them for their next addition, and restock my stitch-off pile. 

The last few weeks, that's been a pile of joining seams to sew up rather than paper piecing units, and now: Voila! A beautiful full-fledged Flimsy that was never scheduled to be worked on!  And one more UFO advanced to this stage. 

The whole operation worked so well, I just finished cutting out and organizing the Fire Island Hosta kit that I'd bought in 2015 - and has sat on my NETY list since then. (meaning: Not Even Touched Yet) This is a larger quilt, and it barely fits in my tote box for this purpose! 

I'm off to prep the first stack of stitch-off work from this don't-even-think-about-it UFO project, and then I'll get cracking on this week's Block of the Month focus.

(BOMs Away Monday is now on Facebook)


  1. Hay Hay. Feathered Goose is gorgeous! There goes another one we've both made! This one we finished fairly close together - within 6 months.

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