Quilt ADD in therapy

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Colorado, United States
Other than my family, the passion of my life is quilting. An eclectic, I love a wide variety of styles and techniques encompassing both machine and hand work. I am a longarm quilter who can work for you. I enjoy any style, from pantographs to all-over to full custom, ranging from traditional to modern. I love bringing vintage tops to life and am willing to work with a challenging quilt top. Instagram: lyncc_quilts

Sunday, July 31, 2011

BOMs AWAY Monday 12 - Patriots, Beachwalk, Sea Breeze


Welcome to my Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays! 
(We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.)

Woohoo!!  TWO months in a row of all BOMs up to date.  :D   

(I'd bettter enjoy it as August will undoubtedly be blown to smithereens - 3 girls to drive to far-away schools - the nearest being 8 hours away - in three different direction at three different times is going to wreak havoc!)

First this week I got the newest Patriots in Petticoats blocks done. These two tales bring us almost to the end of the story group!    

July Gal #1 was Phillis Wheatley. Phillis was kidnapped in Africa, but had it in her to become the first noteworthy African poet in America, and even saw her writings published in 1774. In 1775 she wrote in praise of George Washington.

July Gal #2 was Betty Zane, who got caught in Ft. Henry when it was besieged and running critically low on ammo. She knew where her father had hidden some outside the fort and snuck through the enemy and back again to carry ammo and powder into the fort. Yes, she is the one her descendant, Zane Grey, wrote about.

After Patriots, I worked on Sea Breeze:

And then I did this month's Beachwalk. Holy smokes!  This one had more pieces to trace, place, and carefully cut than any other section I've done. 165.

It's been a rainy, rainy week, so the pictures aren't the greatest quality this time around. 


What interval project have you got going? Weeklies are welcome along with regular projects that you’ve broken into monthly units, and –of course- true BOMs.   Share your eye candy and show off your progress since the last time you linked up! There are some wonderful monthly and weekly projects going on out there. You guys amaze me. :D

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

UFO Shot Down near Destin Beaches!

July 28, 2011. Witnesses observed the successful shooting down of a UFO over Bluewater Bay on Thursday morning. Remarkably, it appeared to be exactly like a similar UFO that was seen repeatedly during the summer and rumored to be shot down two weeks ago. Witnesses to that event claim the evidence was whisked away to an undisclosed location. 

[link to Around the World with Mr. Hernandez
and the story of these twin quilts]

This UFO is being carefully cleaned by the Samsung team, as chalky residue remains from the tracers used in the battle. It will then be tagged and sent up to Washington University in St. Louis where it will be used in several different studies.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My WIP 18 - Finishing many blues, gotta go to RED~!

362 inches of binding, 42 eyes, 1 label

3/5 of a circle, one label, one hanging sleeve

Time to pin-baste – trying out Tuscany wool for the first time

And I’m so very, very weary of Blue –
I am sick to death of
my beloved, beautiful, cooling, soothing, life-sustaining Blue.

So we are switching to Fiery, Passionate RED
and an oh-so-appropriate Kona Snow - 
It is finally time for Burning Up the Slopes!


A big "Thank you!" to Lee at Freshly Pieced for hosting WIP Wednesdays 
It really keeps me motivated to keep those UFOs going! (Go check out what everyone else is doing - there are some really neat projects out there!)

Also, Check out my BOMs AWAY Mondays regular link-up.  

This week's stats:

New Projects - 1!!  (I earn this when Sailing's last shell is put on and it's off the UFO list. Using this "allowance" for my cousin's wedding quilt, which has a fun story.)    
Completed Projects This Week -           
In Active Progress - 4    (Evening hand-work: Sailing with the Flying Needles, Around the World Heather, Devon's Owls; quilting: Marissa's Moment)
Children’s In Active Progress - 5    (Heather’s Dragons, Heather’s Geometric, Give Me Some Minky Love x 3)   
UFO Firing Range - 35.333          
Finishes for 2011 - 20  

Completed tops awaiting quilting (2 removed!):
One charity wheelchair quilt
Center of Marissa’s Moment of Freakishness
Marissa’s Moment Pillowcase panel
Dreamy Unicorns
Wagon Wheels West #2
Be Attitudes
We Love Kelly
Devon's Silk Spinners
Marissa's Minky Squares
Kelly's Thirties Hand Quilter
Kelly's Calico
Poor Forgotten Orphan from 15 Years Ago 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

BOMs AWAY Monday 11


Welcome to my Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays! 
(We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.)

Take a bunch of paper pieces off 

to get a bunch of these

And make a bunch of these for your July work on Glacier Star.  ;D


What interval project have you got going? Weeklies are welcome along with regular projects that you’ve broken into monthly units, and –of course- true BOMs.   Share your eye candy and show off your progress since the last time you linked up! There are some wonderful monthly and weekly projects going on out there. You guys amaze me. :D

No need to write up a whole new post unless that's what you want to do today. Simply link a post from this past week or so.

(Thanks bunches if you mention this spot on your own blog.)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My WIP 17 - Two big finishes in sight, and some more dragons!

Around the World with Mr. Hernandez, Twin #2:

Got the Crete/Greece corners quilted and the steps and eye of the pyramid. (Had some help from Koko - usually Boo drives me nuts at the machine, but Koko was clingy on Monday and stayed glued at my side all day.) 

Koko had to burrow *in* (not just under)
while we were moving some pins and tucking tails.

Now to “write” in the NaGISAs, kanjis, and snow crabs around its base and then quilt the water region. Last I’ll quilt all the words around the border, and then have a movie fest while I tie off and tuck all the dozens of tails! Binding and label are ready to go when I get there, so this should be a FINISH by the end of the weekend.  :D

Sailing with the Flying Needles:

Got the trim sewn onto the four sides yesterday – all that remains is hand work to get the trim to stay the way it’s supposed to be when the quilt’s hanging on the wall. A label and hanging sleeve ought to find their way onto the quilt before the next WIP party!

Heather's Dragons

Since I first showed them to you, Heather has put together two more dragons:

Meet the Volatile Red Dragon:

Red dragons are extremely violent and aggressive, even from hatching.  As young dragons, they fight with their siblings for food and attention from the parent that guards them, and usually only a single dragonet from the clutch will survive.  At adulthood, they believe everything belongs to them and will conquer whole civilizations to get what they want. The largest of the chromatic dragons, they easily strike fear in the hearts of all but the most brave…and often most foolish…adventurers who cross their paths.

And the Loquacious Brass Dragon:

Brass dragons are the good-natured chatterboxes of the dragons.  They will sit around talking all day if they could and enjoy company of any type.  When they meet travelers, they love to catch up on all the latest news and gossip.  They have been known to bury people in the sand up to their necks and refuse to free them until they talk.  Brass dragons lack wings when they hatch, but when they are mature, their wings develop.  After their marvelous butterfly-like wings grow in, they are reluctant to take on any form of travel other than flying.  As such, their feet remain very delicate as adults.


A big "Thank you!" to Lee at Freshly Pieced for hosting WIP Wednesdays 
It really keeps me motivated to keep those UFOs going! (Go check out what everyone else is doing - there are some really neat projects out there!)

This week's stats:

New Projects - 0    
Completed Projects This Week - 1    (Around the World with Mr. Hernandez!!  An awesome quilt)   
In Active Progress - 2    (Sailing, Around the World Heather)
Children’s In Active Progress - 5    (Heather’s Dragons, Heather’s Geometric, Give Me Some Minky Love x 3)   
UFO Firing Range - 35.333          
Finishes for 2011 - 20  

Completed tops awaiting quilting (1 off this week!):

What a Hoot, Devon! (at the longarmer’s!)
Around the World (Heather's)
One charity wheelchair quilt
Dreamy Unicorns (pantogram on order)
Wagon Wheels West #2
Be Attitudes
We Love Kelly
Devon's Silk Spinners
Marissa's Minky Squares
Kelly's Thirties Hand Quilter
Kelly's Calico
Leap Frog Lily Pond
Poor Forgotten Orphan from 15 Years Ago http://whatahootquilts.blogspot.com/search/label/BOMs%20Away

Sunday, July 17, 2011

BOMs AWAY Monday 10 - and a HST tip


Welcome to my Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays! 
(We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.)

Well, I suppose it's a good thing I started BOM's AWAY Mondays, because otherwise I'd ignore all my BOMs again this week. I'm just so sick of them still and would rather only work on more UFO finishes.  

However! I got back on schedule with the first 4 July BOMs.

First I did my Swap Adventure block for Sandi in Oklahoma. I loved this one!

Next I did the two BOMs that are already cut out: 


Wild Rose Cottage (my favorite of the pieced BOMs right now)

And last I did the July block in triplicate for my local guild's BOM project. (One block for my 2011 quilt, one for turning in for the monthly drawing, and one for a Quilt of Valor.)

Siggy for July (spun around by Blogger) I think I'll quilt Hancock's sig in it.  :D

And that's all for this week.

But I do have to say that this is my all-time favorite way to make HST's:

(print it out free ahttp://www.quiltingandwhatnot.ca/Half-Square-Triangle.html - just make sure your printer is set for 100% size)

What you see on the back after stitching on the dotted lines:

soooo easy!

Don't need a whole sheet's worth? Just cut off a row and do that many:

Cut apart on the solid lines, fold, peel the paper, press open.  Lots of HST's in a fraction of the time.   :D    (I get great results with plain printer paper - recycled previous printouts, even - using a slighter tighter tension and smaller stitches.)


What interval project have you got going? Weeklies are welcome along with regular projects that you’ve broken into monthly units, and –of course- true BOMs.   Share your eye candy and show off your progress since the last time you linked up! There are some wonderful monthly and weekly projects going on out there. You guys amaze me. :D

No need to write up a whole new post unless that's what you want to do today. Simply link a post from this past week or so.

(Thanks bunches if you mention this spot on your own blog.)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WIP 16 - Around the World with Mr. Hernandez

Woohoo!!  This is a Most Satisfying finish!  And the quilt I've chosen to enter in the Summer Fair at Gen X's place. 

Gen X Quilters Summer Fair

(although I admit to a vague feeling of disquiet– because there is its identical twin to be quilted now, which is my primary WIP for the next few days. Update: here is the report of the twin's finish: UFO Shot Down near Destin Beaches)

Around the World with Mr. Hernandez  (50 x 50") was created as a gift to a special teacher who was an important mentor to our oldest daughter throughout her high school years. He was also the faculty director of a most unique opportunity that she had the profound privilege of being a part of through the school’s gifted program.

[Add-in 2014: I was told by a NaGISA peer of Heather's who visited Mr. Hernandez at his classroom that he got this quilt framed and still has it hanging in his classroom. I am rather floored.]

Somehow the idea got sparked to make a Trip Around the World quilt that could commemorate these special experiences, and so Around the World with Mr. Hernandez was born to visually commemorate the three significant trips Heather participated in.

You should be able to guess the country
represented in the center. 
You see, we just happen to live in the zone of the only high school in the world that was allowed to operate a real-live marine science team as a part of the world-wide NaGISA coastal study. (I believe that a high school in Japan is now also performing in the same functions.)

Are you thinking "Greece" when you see
the Ionic columns, laurel wreath, and urns?  
The school’s local team (everyone in Gifted plus the honors marine science classes) covers the collections and studies along our beach and at the stipulated depths in the near-shore waters.  The team proved itself so well at the international conference Heather’s freshman year (she was too young to be on the presentation team, so she didn’t get to go to Japan) that they earned the respect of the world’s top marine scientists. 

Crystal River is a famous spot to go swim
with the manatees during the winter.
They love the warm Florida water and
the seagrass that grows there.

They were lauded as an astonishing young team that appropriately carried out protocol to contribute to the world study, and also for developing a clear, comprehensive training/procedural guide for newcomers to the work. The powers that be were so impressed, in fact, that they asked the Niceville team to take on a global role in mentoring upstarting teams. 

So the Niceville NaGISA program sprouted an international contingent of the most qualified students from the main group. For three years, Heather got to work on this international team as well as the local team. 

We worked the NaGISA kanji into the design at the base of the pyramid.

Locally, she did the diving collections (often serving as a dive leader), as well as the laboratory science work that follows. As a member of the international team, she helped train a new college team at Crystal River, Florida during her sophomore year. During her junior year they went to train a new team in Crete, getting to sightsee a bit in Greece and Holland en route. During her senior year, she was one of the leaders for the work with a new team in Egypt. That trip spanned New Years 2010, so they got to celebrate there in Cairo. They found time to tour various parts of the country as well, including a trip up the Nile. 

I just love the little ghost crabs!!

Of course, their work included scuba diving in the Red Sea – one of the very best places in the world to dive (poor baby).  I am green with envy of their trip to Egypt, which they lucked out on since I’m quite certain that the uprising and ensuing turmoil in the region not long after their trip means the school district will not approve any travel to that area for quite some time. 

Heather’s team presented well enough to secure a very sizeable grant from the Sea World-Busch Gardens Environmental Excellence Award.  (Since her graduation, the team has worked in London and Turkey, and I think they’re working in the Bahamas next.) It was all a spectacular experience with continuing effects on her life as it was a key component of her scholarship consideration and enabled an unusual job assignment in the medical research labs at Washington University in St. Louis as an incoming freshman (versus a job in the cafeteria, say). 

The border has commemorating material written onto it. I posted a few days ago about the really neat "Whoa!" moment while prepping that part of the quilting.  It reads: 

Niceville High School  team distinguished globally for covering Henderson Beach locally, teaching new teams, including – Crystal River fall 2007 – Crete March 2009 – Egypt Dec-Jan 2010, and presenting at  Sea World - Busch Gardens Environmental Excellence Award presentation spring 2010.

Heather wrote a very sweet tribute for the label on the back, and I printed it with a photo of the two of them sitting together at the Nile when they sailed on a felucca: 

I would like to thank Mr. Hernandez for being a mentor for me throughout high school.  He really helped me to adjust during my freshman year as a homeschooler returning to the world of public school.  All the practice with presentations throughout the years in gifted class have helped me get used to presenting in front of groups of people and improved my public speaking skills greatly.  NaGISA has also been an incredible research opportunity for me, not only with the scientific work involved, but also getting me used to the diversity that the area of Niceville lacks. The world travel has also been very interesting as I have been able to see many new places and interact with many different cultures. I have also worked with people of widely different backgrounds - from my fellow students and teachers at the high school to international students and professional marine biologists.

And now I get to do it all over again.  ::sigh::  Heather's has the markings I need - tape on the pyramid steps, blue-pen laurel wreaths and column tops and bases drawn on, 1/4" tape for column verticals, and white-pen script around the border. When I pin baste the layers today, I will pin on Golden Threads pieces for the NaGISA's, kanjis, crabs, and urns. Or, actually, I will pin those on when I am ready to quilt those spots, so the tissue doesn't tear while I'm manipulating the quilt for free-motion work. I alternated between a floating open-toe foot and my walking foot, but it was all done at my table-top. I used Sulky variegated threads, which quilted like a dream. Golden tans for Egypt, silvers for the wreaths, blacks and grays for the columns and urns (at first I was disappointed at how some of that faded too much into the colors so that parts of the columns and urn seemed to disappear, but that quickly grew on me as this is how the ruins really are anyway), and blue for the water and the border script (I'm not happy enough with my stitch regularity yet to do that in high contrast, so I stuck wth the medium blue on the dark blue fabric).  It all turned out so perfectly.

Thematic quilting takes a long time! For breaks from that intensity, I worked on the embellishments for "Sailing," and helped Becca with some more piecing on her mom's "Lori's Irish Butterflies." 


A big "Thank you!" to Lee at Freshly Pieced for hosting WIP Wednesdays 
It really keeps me motivated to keep those UFOs going! (Go check out what everyone else is doing - there are some really neat projects out there!)

Also, Check out my BOMs AWAY Mondays regular link-up.  

This week's stats:

New Projects - 0    
Completed Projects This Week - 1 big one  :D          
In Active Progress - 3    (Sailing with the Flying Needles, Around the World Heather, Lori’s Irish Butterflies)
Children’s In Active Progress - 5    (Heather’s Dragons, Heather’s Geometric, Give Me Some Minky Love x 3)   
UFO Firing Range - 35.333          
Finishes for 2011 - 20  

Completed tops awaiting quilting (2 added, 1 removed):
What a Hoot, Devon! (at the longarmer’s!)
Around the World (Heather's)
One charity wheelchair quilt
Center of Marissa’s Moment of Freakishness
Marissa’s Moment Pillowcase panel
Dreamy Unicorns
Wagon Wheels West #2
Be Attitudes
We Love Kelly
Devon's Silk Spinners
Marissa's Minky Squares
Kelly's Thirties Hand Quilter
Kelly's Calico
Poor Forgotten Orphan from 15 Years Ago