Quilt ADD in therapy

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Colorado, United States
Other than my family, the passion of my life is quilting. An eclectic, I love a wide variety of styles and techniques encompassing both machine and hand work. I am a longarm quilter who can work for you. I enjoy any style, from pantographs to all-over to full custom, ranging from traditional to modern. I love bringing vintage tops to life and am willing to work with a challenging quilt top. Instagram: lyncc_quilts

Sunday, August 29, 2021

BOMs Away - Wings & Dots



Welcome to the Link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!

Where we share what we're doing on a BOM type project
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom)
AAa8Y/YVvk1lhZ2js6iyppUCthtLyf2b5t5yLSwCLcBGAsYHQ/s150/BOM%2BButton.jpg" style="color: #888888; margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; text-decoration-line: none;">

Welcome to the Link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!

Where we share what we're doing on a BOM type project
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom)
222; font-size: 13.2px;">    

Welcome to the Link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!

Where we share what we're doing on a BOM type project
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom)

I spent an hour a day on bird wings M-F, and about 3 on Saturday - which took me up through 52 degrees on these temperature quilt blocks. 12 more thread colors to go. . . 

Eight of the packets still haven't been touched, and not one packet has cleared yet. It's really surprising that even the two packets with the mega-freezes that winter had rogue "hot" days in them that are something like 63 degrees. (The packets consist of 12 days each, which is how many will be on each row of the quilt.)

Then I set the bird wings aside for a day, and since the next month for Neptune's Gift hasn't arrived yet, I stitched down all the 2021 temperature dots I'd prepped so far:

Still need to tie and tuck their tails and trim out the insides of the backgrounds before I sew the blocks together.


Have you worked on any BOM type projects recently? We'd love to see your progress!

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Finish Report! ~ "It's a Silky Wool Flannel Kind of Day" ~ Aug OMG

  I've had my August OMG finished for a week now, but have had a lot of trouble getting true-to-life photographs. I'm giving up and posting anyway.  :) 

At 48 x 62 inches, "It's a Silky Wool Flannel Kind of Day" is perfect for a September sofa cuddler. Our evenings get nippy here starting - well, now - and I'm loving the feel of this so much. 

Plus, this has a very unique binding that I absolutely adore.

I call it, "Puffed Silk Binding," and that will link you to the page describing how it was done.

In August 2017, my daughter gave me a wonderful jelly roll from the Maywood "Woollies Flannel" collection, and that November I sewed it up jelly race style, randomly inserting parallelograms of the gold Silk Radience I'd bought for its backing.

This April, I quilted it up using the pantograph, "Autumn Oaks" from Willow Leaf Studio. I usually do custom quilting on my own quilts, but once in a while they are better suited for all-over designs. This fall theme gave the quilt a gorgeous organic feeling that really elevated the jelly race "blah" feeling to a scrumptious quilt finish.

I used washable silk batting! I wondered if the thickness of the wool flannel would take away the charm of the silk batting's hand, but it's a very nice combination, particularly with the silk backing. (Although, the silk on silk *did* want to slip around during the quilting, so you have to be aware of that tendency while working.)

This is how shiny the silk actually looks.  :)

All this quilt's lusciousness (and the fact that it's mine and will get only gentle laundering on occasion) just begged for an unusual binding treatment - something softer than traditional binding or knife-edge, but not as substantial as a beaded-flanged binding. Something soft right on the edge itself.

So I wondered about doing a puffed binding. I couldn't find anything online like what I saw in my mind's eye, so I experimented on a mug rug.

Still need to finish this up. . . 

I'm putting together a tutorial, but all I did, really, was cut the silk radiance binding strips slightly larger than normal, so that I had an extra 1/4 inch of slack in the applied binding once it was stitched down on the back. After that, I spent TV time cinching the poofs down one by one all the way around. I found that 7/8  inch was a great spacing for this, and used 50wt Aurifil thread (single strand, double stitched and knotted on the back before and after each puff's cinch). 

The result is exactly what I'd pictured, and so very perfect on this quilt.  Next is to see how well it holds up over the years, but it feels very stable. Silk Radiance has a slightly stiff, but very flowy, hand when you're working with it this way, so it stands up nicely in the puffs. Regular quilting cottons (or, say, dupioni silk) would just fold in on themselves without puffing much - you would need something inside, like tulle, to give the puffs body.

So, yes, I would do a puffed binding again on the right quilt.  :)

Note to self: Embroidery with a single strand of 100wt silk was not the easiest!

This was the perfect quilt to develop the binding technique on - all the individual components came together in a way to make the whole so much more than the sum of the parts! Who thought a jelly-roll race would make such a remarkable finish?


Sarah's Whoop Whoop Fridays


 Elm Street Quilts for the August Finish Report 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

BOMs Away - Clean-up slam and Sage & Sea Glass


Welcome to the Link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!

Where we share what we're doing on a BOM type project
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom)

It was my birthday this week, so all week long, I worked on what I wanted to do, instead of my priority projects. Which ended up being clean-up work on BOMs and Birds to get lingering projects off my work spaces. 

Birds - I got all the wings fused on, so the 38 baggies, check-off chart, and light box are all gone from my great room, finally! This was about half way through:

Our 2021 Temperature Quilt - I pulled all the fabrics for the next batch of dots, which are now sitting in a baggy with my Perfect Circles templates for TV time attention in the evenings.

Harmony - Yeah, man!!  Did you see already that I got this top all finished?~!  I'm undecided whether I'll pull Surfer's Point back into active rotation in its place, or start another one. Probably Surfer's Point, but it's fun to day dream for a while.

And this weekend it was nice to pull out Sage & Sea Glass, which had a fresh bag - #5 - to pull out and work on. I got that step just about wrapped up, but we decided to go out to a movie. 

Got a nice pile of bonus HSTs out of these half-star blocks. There are only 8 sets of these units to join together. That'll be a quick finish-up first thing tomorrow morning, and then I'll hit the longarm for some serious attention there this week.

EDIT - all finished now  :)


Have you worked on any BOM type projects recently? We'd love to see your progress!

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

~ Flimsy Alert! ~ Harmony

 "Harmony" is 96 x 107 inches, and is a Nancy Rinks pattern.

I got mine as a Block of the Month kit, intended for one of our guest beds as soon as I get it quilted. The applique was done by machine after turning the edges over freezer paper templates. My least favorite technique, but there was zero room for needle-turning time in my time frame. 

This generous queen size top is HEAVY! Which made it surprising that this morning's breeze made it dance so much that we never could get a straight photo of it. 

Now, if I can just find where I stored the backing . . . and get my Dinner Plate Dahlia quilted and off the longarm, this will be ready for its turn!  :)

Linking up at:  Sarah's Whoop! Whoop!

Monday, August 16, 2021

BOMs Away - All those Birds, and more Harmony


Welcome to the Link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!

Where we share what we're doing on a BOM type project
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom)


I stitched down the final colors for the bird bodies. Never got a low temp higher than 65 degrees that year - how can you not love a climate where every night cools down wonderfully, even after a high of 104?

And then I worked my way back down the colors for the remaining late-fall packets that hadn't been fused before I did those colors:

And that's all 730 bird bodies stitched!!

I have about half of the wings fused down. There's a total of 31 packets to do, 14 are fused. It takes about an hour to set and fuse two packets. Really not sure if I can have this quilt finished in time for Christmas, as I have some fancy-pants quilting in mind for it, with still a ton of stitching and construction work to do before I even get to the quilting . . . but I'll try!

And then I was sick to death of love birds, so I dabbled a bit more with my Harmony project, so that I have all four set-in borders sewn together. As usual, Scott needed my cutting table for work over the weekend, so these haven't been trimmed up yet. Not sure if I prefer using over-size setting triangles and fussing with the trimming afterward, or just using true-size setting pieces to start with. . . 


Have you worked on any BOM type projects recently? We'd love to see your progress!

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

BOMs Away - Harmony & Birds


Welcome to the Link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!

Where we share what we're doing on a BOM type project
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom)

Wasn't feeling my greatest this weekend, but I did get three more colors of birds stitched down:

Also, all the bird bodies are finally fused, and I started on the wings, which mark the high temps of each day. 4 rows down, 27 to go. . . 

The lower left corner of my wall board is blaringly empty now, because I started on the Month 8 Octave work, which is to incorporate all the blocks into borders that will go around the central star.

The pattern has you use over-sized setting triangles, so I need to trim some ends before pinning the next connections.


Have you worked on any BOM type projects recently? We'd love to see your progress!

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides 

Monday, August 2, 2021

August! ~

My One Monthly Goal for August is to finish the puff stitches for the silk binding on this very cool autumn lap quilt, and do a label for it. 

It's been sitting at this point for several months, so let's get it wrapped up and into use for September!  :)

The Rest of the Story:

The August UFO drawn by APQ is #10. 

My piecing #10 is my Sue Garman "And to All a Good Night" project.  

Great timing! I'm close to being finished with the top applique panel. 

I've pulled fabrics from my stash for the scrappy piecing of the main field in the quilt. I'm king-sizing the pattern to fit our bed. Hopefully it'll emerge the way my mind's eye sees it. Our room is blue and we put up a snow-flocked tree with blue accents in the bow window, so I wanted to incorporate blues and grays with a Christmas feel, but keep the green and red stars.

My longarming #10 is my Allietare from the Bonnie Hunter mystery of winter 2015-16. I finished the flimsy in a timely manner, but it's sat forever in my longarming closet. 

I do have to finish a lot of remaining work on this GINORMOUS king-sized Dinner Plate Dahlia (also for our bed) before I load Allietare. . . which gives me time to scare up a backing for that cheddar and turquoise beauty!

And that is more than enough work for one month! Let's see how much I accomplish.  :)

Today's BOMs Away is on the previous post at BOMs Away Monday - Neptune's Gift and More Birds

LINKING UP at Elm Street Quilts for the August OMG goal

Sunday, August 1, 2021

BOMs Away - Neptune's Gift and More Birds


Welcome to the Link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!

Where we share what we're doing on a BOM type project
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom)

The next packet arrived yesterday for Neptune's Gift, so I went to work on that:

Almost finished the Month 6 sewing.  I need to join the two halves, and it's all done.


 > Boom! < 

16 arc portions became 8 larger arc units:

(More compass points to come in future months. . . )

Month 6 all finished. I'm really enjoying this BOM approach - it's very fun to add to the whole each time, versus making different blocks month to month.

I also stitched down another 4 colors of bird bodies:

I have right around 1/2 of them stitched now.


Have you worked on any BOM type projects recently? We'd love to see your progress!

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides