Quilt ADD in therapy

My photo
Colorado, United States
Other than my family, the passion of my life is quilting. An eclectic, I love a wide variety of styles and techniques encompassing both machine and hand work. I am a longarm quilter who can work for you. I enjoy any style, from pantographs to all-over to full custom, ranging from traditional to modern. I love bringing vintage tops to life and am willing to work with a challenging quilt top. Instagram: lyncc_quilts

Sunday, March 29, 2020

BOMs Away - Thistlepods Spike Sets

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

How are you guys doing? Are you holding up alright? I washed a bunch of curtains yesterday and finished rehanging them today. I guess after 3 weeks, even us quilters start feeling the quarantine!

I got these sections made for my Thistle Pods project:

And I went through some storage space for spring cleaning - pulled out a BOM kit I got a couple years ago. Looking forward to getting that started this next week.


We would love to see any BOM work you're done lately.

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.

Monday, March 23, 2020

BOMs Away - Thistlepod centers

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

Oops!  I was so busy distracting myself from pandemic worries last evening, I forgot to put the BOMs Away post up! 

Here's what I did over the weekend:

I got the next set of sections paper pieced for my Thistle Pods quilt. 36 of these babies.

I sure hope you're all still healthy. 

I'm glad quilting is an already-established part of my life that makes quarantining a much lighter mental burden than it is for some folks.

Interesting times, though, eh?  You can't even get a normal headache in peace, without having to discipline your mind away from premature worrying. 

Live smart, but not fearfully, these days.  :)  


We would love to see any BOM work you're done lately.

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

BOMs Away - Bringing Out the Thistlepods

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

So.... Apparently I haven't done enough paper piecing in the past year. . . Guess I'm just in that groove, and my work areas are set up for it.

So I pulled out an old Judy Niemeyer kit from my cupboard and starting working on its first set of units for this week's BOM time:

These are for either 11" or 12" blocks, didn't measure them. 36 altogether.

They are from this kit:

Which I bought no later than October 2012 - yeesh!

And then prewashed all the fabrics in Oct 2018, deciding I wanted to replace the background fabric. 

The one I bought for that really tickled my fancy, recalling to mind a particularly magical drive home from Nebraska one evening, when snow flurries blew and hundreds of tumbleweeds rolled horizontally across I-76 in northeast Colorado. I remember being enchanted as well as feeling like we were in a video game, dodging the large rollers since there was no other traffic. Thistlepods aren't exactly tumbleweeds, but the combination of the design and the background fabric I found evoked the memory.


We would love to see any BOM work you're done lately.

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

BOMs Away - Flimsy Alert ~ Dahlia's Blooming!

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

Woohoo!! The fourth Dinner Plate Dahlia top is finished!

It's a good thing I left the king-sized one last to do in the set of 4. This one was so big, I wouldn't have made the others if it had been ahead in the queue.  :)

Dinner Plate Dahlia, a Judy Niemeyer pattern (queen size turned into king).
This is 116 x 108

There isn't a king size pattern for this one, so I spent a lot of time taping extra paper to the edges of the side pieces and oh-so-carefully extending the rays - and extending those curved seams coming off the arches in the center of each side gave me a LOT of worries about them matching up correctly. I procrastinated doing that seam for two solid weeks, because I had nightmare visions of them being off and puckering or bowling up - and then having to rework some replacement pattern pieces and hope to high heaven I had enough of the fabric left to cut new pieces. . . A lot can go wrong in 13 inches of curve! But when I finally sucked it up and stitched them, gave them a gentle press. . . voila! I lucked out big time, and they lay there flat as could be, with no puckering.

I'm really happy with how perfectly both situations turned out.

My corners were a little weird while I was working - you can see how the central diagonal seam is off-set from the quilt's outer corner. I shifted the outer border into a rectangle instead of a square when I extended the papers, because I wish the 114" square quilt we have on our bed right now wasn't so long at the foot. Had to be meticulous in making sure I was extending the correct side pieces in the longer- and super-longer lengths. But they worked out perfectly in the end. 

This is going to be one ginormous quilting job!  First, though, I have to quilt Heather's for her. Thank goodness that's not this huge!  ;D


We would love to see any BOM work you're done lately.

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.

Monday, March 2, 2020

BOMs Away - Dahlia Quarters

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

Here they are: My Dahlia quarters.  :)

Almost there! This next weekend should yield my king size Flimsy!


We would love to see any BOM work you're done lately.

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.