Quilt ADD in therapy

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Colorado, United States
Other than my family, the passion of my life is quilting. An eclectic, I love a wide variety of styles and techniques encompassing both machine and hand work. I am a longarm quilter who can work for you. I enjoy any style, from pantographs to all-over to full custom, ranging from traditional to modern. I love bringing vintage tops to life and am willing to work with a challenging quilt top. Instagram: lyncc_quilts

Sunday, December 6, 2015

BOMs Away - Allietare & December

Yes! You're in the right place for BOMs Away Monday.

Are you getting excited for Christmas? I am.  :)

This week's BOM time was spent working on Allietare Clue 2 and on the first mini of a year-long gift. 

I cut all the pieces out for Clue 2 of Allietare, sewed one set of the units up, and tucked everything away with a note in a zippy until after the holidays. Looking forward to when it gets its sewing time!  Thank you again to Bonnie Hunter for this year's Mystery.

Winter Mystery 2015 - Allietare!Go "HERE" for Bonnie's current listing of "Allietare!" mystery details and to find specifics of sizes and numbers of units. I'm linking my smidge of work on her Linky for this week, here: Allietare Part 2 Link-Up

As for the Gift BOM, right now I can only give you a peek:

I'm really happy with how it turned out.  :)

I was also really happy yesterday - It was Belt Test Day at the dojang, and we three got our red belts. I feel like it's our first step of really getting there. I love the hanboks that people wear sometimes for these occasions.

Master Lee really surprised me when he called me up to join Leadership. He always gives red roses to people, young and old, when they are given invitations. 

I love all the fantastic people we've met through Taekwondo. You can't find better folks.  :)


How about you? - Did you work on BOMs this past week or so? 


  1. Congratulations on your red belts!!

  2. Congratulations in achieving your red belts! I see you are well away with your mystery quilt....I gave it some thought, even looked at fabric choices, but I have enough on my plate. Looking forward to seeing how yours turns out.

  3. Ilook forward to your continuing the new MQ, lovely colors.

  4. Hi Lynette,congrats on getting your red belts and love your fabric choices.xx

  5. Love your little units for clue 2. Must check in to your block of the month.

  6. It's great to see you continuing to thrive with your Taekwondo! Congratulations on your latest achievement. I hope you're feeling physically up to all this! Good for you to have the intention of participating in Bonnie's next BOM. I'm not even going to kid myself about being able to do that along with all my other WIPs and UFOs! You're so good about keeping up. I can't even blog about the stuff I've been making because they're gifts, and those folks read my blog. So, I've had to be mostly silent this month. Hope you're enjoying planning for holiday festivities!


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