Quilt ADD in therapy

My photo
Colorado, United States
Other than my family, the passion of my life is quilting. An eclectic, I love a wide variety of styles and techniques encompassing both machine and hand work. I am a longarm quilter who can work for you. I enjoy any style, from pantographs to all-over to full custom, ranging from traditional to modern. I love bringing vintage tops to life and am willing to work with a challenging quilt top. Instagram: lyncc_quilts

Sunday, September 29, 2019

BOMs Away - Forever My Valentine

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

You can probably tell I really needed to get back to variety this month - weekend BOM time is perfect for that. I still focus only on the Dahlia quilts Mon-Fri, but I get to cut loose from that Sat and Sun.  :)  

This weekend I pulled out my old "Forever My Valentine" BOM and got Block 5 done up:

Navarre is drawn to this project with its black background and insisted on being in a photo op. Don't you love cats?


Have you worked on any of your BOMs recently?

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

BOMs Away - Nutcrackers and Dahlias

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

I pulled my Sue Garman Nutcrackers back out today, and did the embroidery work on 4 of the blocks.

Funny - The soldier's jacket lines don't look crooked in real life, but they sure do on the photo.

Also, this week, I got a few unit sets done up for my Dinner Plate Dahlia.

Hope you had a nice weekend, and looking forward to what you have to share. :)  


Now it's your turn: How are your BOMs doing lately?

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

BOMs Away - Surfer's Point, Dahlias, and Deer :)

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

This weekend I had fun pulling another quilt kit out to slip into my BOM rotation:

Surfer's Point, designed by Edyta Sitar

It's all washed, ironed, and cut out - ready to go. I hope to make two blocks per month. One day, it will grow up to be like this, 88x88 inches:

My weekday sewing was spent working on the assembly of Marissa's Dinner Plate Dahlia. . . 

. . . and working on more paper piecing for mine. I finished the last of the border sections:

It was a total deer week. We get both stags and doe herds of mule deer that like to rest on various knolls around our property - can you spot the four mature does resting on this one?

They also like to eat at various spots, like the bird feeder station . . .

and the elderberry bushes all over the place, including on the patio in the background of my sewing station shot up above.

Yesterday, this sweetheart's mother let her come right up to the patio door to check out what I was doing. Isn't she fantastic? Can you see her faint spots that haven't gone completely away yet?
I really *love* their visits!@


Now it's your turn: How are your BOMs doing lately?

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

BOMs Away - Swan Song

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

Wow! What a productive week.

All the remaining section sets for Marissa's Dahlia were finished:

2/3 of the border sections for our king-sized Dahlia were finished:

And, this weekend I got the first three swan blocks sewn together:

Those three swans took SEVEN AND A HALF HOURS of work!
I do really love them, though. And I'm glad I don't have to give them attention again until October. . . heh!

It's official, also - I greatly prefer paper piecing to the multi-layered stitch-and-flip technique in these patterns. It's easier to be perfectly accurate, and also uses significantly less fabric.


Now your turn: How are your BOMs doing lately?

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

BOMs Away - King Me

Welcome to the link-up for BOMs Away Mondays!
Where we share what we're doing on a BOM-type project 
so they don't stall out in UFO-land!
(Linky at the bottom.)

I got a good bit of work finished on three different BOMs since last week!

I cut out all the pieces for my Swan Island quilt. Well, except for the last two fabrics, which aren't available until December. Soooo many little pieces, so I clipped them with labels. I plan on making two swans each month:

Finished several more unit sets for Marissa's Kaffe Fassett Dahlia:

And I finally felt like attacking the king-size extensions that I needed to add to the queen pattern so the quilt would be large enough for our bed:

I had several "waste" sheets from prior Dahlia patterns, so I taped the border units to those and very meticulously extended the sewing lines and the unit edges. 

To keep the pieces lying perfectly flat for an unblemished join of papers, I found it worked fantastic to simply lay a ruler across each sheet. I did tape over the entire edge instead of just putting little pieces of tape here and there. 

That made for a flat, non-puckered join every time. No iron necessary.

There were 24 border units, and here they're all modified and waiting for the next spurt of mental industry to hit, when I feel like attacking the cutting templates so the working fabric pieces are the right sizes when I do the paper piecing. 

Right now: I don't wannu.!!!


Now your turn: How are your BOMs doing lately?

Kate over at Katie Mae Quilts has joined me in hosting this meet-up, 
and linking up from either end puts you on the party at both sides.