Priority Finish:
Secret Finishes: One complete and one flimsy.
UFO Finishes:
"Tweedle Dum" (16" x 16") from the Sea Breeze set of McKenna Ryan minis. It's going to look neat to have all 9 finished in a few months, lining the long basement wall. This is the 5th one to get hung. I had some serious thread issues with this one. My machine DESPISES the
monofilament threads and pitched a fit that broke some of the bobbin-winding mechanism. You can still make it work, but I'll have to take it in to the shop to fix it back to normal. I was disgusted enough that I didn't tear out the 4 lines with tension issues. But now it's happily hanging on the wall next to "Tweedle Dee"!
Community Sewing:
I finished framing all the blocks for the quilt I'm making to donate to the Cinderella House (a place of refuge for rescued women/girls that were caught in the human trafficking horror).
NETY pull-out:
(This is how I begin to incorporate Never Even Touched Yet items on my monster list of long-ago purchases into my work cycles)
Pick-A-B #3 - I actually pulled this out in July. Got all the fabrics washed, but I'm only about halfway finished ironing them. Hopefully I'll get them finished up this month and cut them out to put it away kitted. No pics of this - the fabrics are white, red, turquoise, pink based, with some florals in there. There will be white blocks that I'll do some red-work stitching on. Things like this fun teapot.
September Attention:
(The way I work is not for everyone. It is a cyclical process evolved from the need for variety while producing regular finishes. I'm on a mission to honor the money spent on kits and fabric in earlier years, as well as the interests and tastes of my younger self by finishing every squirreled-away project I found during a serious hunt-and-list session a couple years ago. I also want to allow myself to explore some new interests and trends, though. To those ends, I work best with goal oriented matrices that give me some self-organization on a variety of projects, with something marked as the priority work for a finish. Lists with items meant to be checked off as totally complete in a finite period of time stifle me. So don't look at my list of "goals" as something intended to have everything absolutely completed in a month. That would be amazingly stressful!)

Complete Finish: "Be Attitudes" - This is my chosen project for ALYF. It is my cousin's quilt top that I'm finishing as a wedding gift for her nephew.
Secret Finishes: The next 3 projects, and throw in some pot holders
Priority Quilting: "Devon & Kyle United 2015" - I have only this much hand applique to do, then I can develop and mark the quilting plan and get this baby going at the FMQ station!!!
Piecing Station: Get Little Miss overhauled so she can start working.
Community Service: Get the Cinderella House quilt to the finished Flimsy stage.
UFO work: Finish "The Clampetts" from the Sea Breeze mini set."Be Attitudes" (above) is also a UFO! Bonus! :D
Evening Handwork Station: It would be nice to put a hanging sleeve on my quilt that Grandma made for my 16th birthday so I can hang that for a while. And please - PLEASE do the labels for "25th, Baby!," "Semper Fi - Combass," "Kelly's Joseph Smith 2," "A Laurel Burch Christmas," "Patriots in Petticoats," and guide label making for Heather's dragon quilt and Marissa's community service quilt. Maybe I can get these tasks moving finally now that I've finished all that hand work on the kids' wedding quilt.
Carry on the once-weekly attention to the projects on the Roll. Finish the center quilting for Kelly's; do 1.5 to 2 months of work on "Star Crazy"; proces block 4 the same way I did block 3 for "Wind in the Whiskers"; adapt the next row of "Americana" to incorporate Scott's desert BDUs and work environment.
NETY Pull-Out:
Go exploring the deep storage and pull out whatever catches my fancy. :) And finish pressing the last NETY's fabrics, eh?