
Sunday, February 23, 2014

BOMs Away Monday - Holiday Tidings

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!

We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.
This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.

It's Holiday Tidings week for BOMs at my place.
I sewed the November pieces:
(That's 2000, not 2013 - one of my oldest UFOs here!)

Put them in their rows:
(which are not all crooked like they appear below)
Fused the bow - I think it was Barbara that I picked this technique up from ages ago. Cut out the guts of your fusible stuff before you attach it to the fabric. Accomplishes two things: Save fusing material by tracing smaller pieces inside the larger ones; Get a much nicer drape for your quilt - it won't be all nasty-stiff, especially if you have multiple layers.
And I even blanket-stitched it all:
Although, I was fed up with it long before I finished.  My poor machine kept having fits with skipped stitches any time we had to pass near a thick convergence of seams in the patchwork. So I'll clean the thread ends up some other time during a fun after-dinner show. 
It brought to mind that jean-a-ma-jig tool thing I've seen advertised in quilting catalogs.
Have any of you tried one? Do they really work, or are they not worth the fuss?
So how about you? Have you done any work on your BOM or other interval work lately?



  1. No wonder it's one of the oldest, that looks like a lot of work, but wonderful. I'm interested in hearing about the thing a ma jig too.

  2. Look at all of those lovely HST's. Beautiful colors, too. I have boxes that probably have UFO's from almost that long ago, although I did a lot of de-stashing with the move to Arizona. I'm almost afraid to look.

  3. Good for you tackling a UFO! Looks festive:-)
    I had not heard of it, so I just read the gadget reviews on Amazon. The ones I read were written by those who used it for it's purpose; jeans, and most gave it 5stars. Seams like a nuisance, but it may be a lifesaver now and again,.

  4. Yay, it's Christmas! :) Thanks for the tip on the applique - I'm about to do some bigger than the letters I did in the fall, so I will be sure to trim out the middle. I want the baby quilt to be snuggly, not stiff!

  5. Hey someone actually has a UFO older than mine only because I didn't start quilt until sometime after 2001. I loved your post especially the part about cutting the guts out....giggle. My concentration while reading or doing anything is not good so I got to the part about cutting the guts out before my brain realized what you were talking about. Have a fun day!

  6. Girls, you don't know what old UFOs are! I seem to have some for every year of the 90s plus those of the 00s - LOL. Nice work as usual, Lyn.

  7. It's so good to see all the great stuff you're making, Lyn! Still full of talent and energy, I see! I haven't used a jean-a-ma-jig, so can't tell you if it works. But I would invite you to see the domestic machine quilting rulers I've found! Please visit my blog and enter my giveaway. I think these rulers would be right up your alley!

  8. Love seeing Christmas projects early in the year! Is this a Pam Bono design? Her designs are very work-intensive! Looks like you are on a roll toward finishing this one for Christmas 2014 :*D

  9. Love those red ribbons - it will be beautiful when it's all sewn together.


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