
Friday, February 28, 2014

February Reports

Here is my end-of-month wrap-up for February:

Something Old/Something New -
For my something old, See my comments below in my NewFO report about a stack of fat quarters that I won at a shop drawing in 2010, I believe.

My something new: figuring out how to quilt the intricate designs on my "25th, Baby!" that I wanted it have. 
I am not a particularly creative person beyond adapting other people's ideas that I find, so I'm really pleased with how my DWR detail work has been turning out. I put personalized focus spots in the center 9 rings, showcasing our initials, wedding year, etc. Then I took a printout of the fancy-wancy quilting pattern I bought to put in the bulk of my rings and adapted a rope-like cablework edge to fence that section off from the rest of the quilt's detailing. Playing around with a plexiglass overlay, I decided that the fill I liked best for this center area was a simple diagonal lining. I wasn't even thinking when I started drawing in the lines with a water-erasable pen, and just decided I wanted the lines 3/8" apart. The funny thing is that this width turned out to be absolutely PERFECT for the ring sections! It matched up exactly from one center mid-point to the next - I drew the lines straight across the elements as if the rings weren't there. I haven't tucked hardly any of my tails yet from all the starts and stops of the fill quilting, but it's going to look super neat when that's all finished.
You can see in that photo above that I decided to use Golden Threads paper to "mark" the quilting designs. I didn't like the melon design that came with the set I bought for the centers, so I drew my own. I also drew out the motif for the connector diamonds because the set didn't even have one of those. I've only got one side quilted in around the center. I move along ring by ring, quilting the center and the surrounding melons (that takes me right about one hour and five minutes), and then I do the micro-stippling fill on the ring to the inside of the one I just quilted. I can't do the micro-stippling around the design work until I pull off the Golden Threads paper, so this quilt-one-band, stipple the former band, approach is working great.  You can see one half-block from the corner of the center field that shows how the micro-stippling looks.
Wow, I'm going to love it all!!  I sure hope I can finish this by mid-August!
For February, my something old will be still more ring work on this DWR. I've been working on this project straight through from August of last year, so I think it now qualifies for an old project!  Something new - learn how to beautifully repair the tiny little snip I accidentally made in one of my center motifs! Report for February

This month was not as productive as last month in non-DWR work.  But I did get a nice start on something made out of a pack of pink fat quarters I won in 2010 at a shop drawing.  I got 27 FQs in a range of pink or pink-on-white prints. Played around with my EQ program, and one days those FQs, combined with leftovers in my stash, will grow up to be something like this:
"Raspberry Lemonade"
I may or may not applique lemons in the corners, and I may or may not applique vines and raspberries on the piano-key border. I managed to get all the inner squares made and the center put together in a web. There's more contrast between the yellow and pinks than shows here. It'll be pretty! And I'm not a pink person. I also sewed several strips into pairs as a beginning of that one border.
I boxed it all up today with the notes, so sometime in the future that'll be nice to come back to.  :)  This use of NewFOs from my NETY storage is providing the new-to-my-eyes variety that I need to be able to keep on working on my DWR. Until that project, I had NEVER, EVER maintained dedication for long than 3 weeks running on a single project. I've come a long way, Baby!  ;D
Oh!  I did get the fabrics washed for the old NETY kit "Simply Fun."  But that's all. It's in a giant pile waiting to be ironed.
Let's Book It!  Report - 
This project is very slow going! I did finish block 7 (of 36) last night during a Sherlock episode. Back-basting needle-turn applique is so soothing when you're not on a deadline with it.  :D

I'll probably have to stick with only this book for this linky party until June. My thesis final draft is due by the first of that month, so I'm hoping that'll open some time to pull another book from my shelf and start something new!

So, there are my February reports - go check the link-ups out for some great eye-candy, tips from other quilters, and very good support groups to help you get your work finished.  :D


  1. You have a lot of wonderful long term projects and I love how dedicated you are in maintaining a schedule with them.

  2. I had a lot to say as I read your post, and then I got to Sherlock and all I can think about now is Benedict Cumberbatch. Yum.

    Um, anyway. I think your DWR quilting is VERY creative - mixing in a variety of other people's stuff totally counts! It looks great! And I like the little lemonade blocks, too. I thout about doing something like that with my 2.5" strips in pink/grey, but I ran out of February. ;) Save it for next year or maybe the yellows!

  3. Lots of lovely projects. You know, I hadn't even thought about getting a quilt started then boxing it up for later. What a good idea. I absolutely adore your book it block. The colours are amazing.
    valspierssews - visiting from Let's Book It

  4. Seems like February was a pleasantly productive month for you Lyn.

  5. You were busy in February. I am loving Raspberry Lemonade. Happy quilting.

  6. I am a pink person and I love that Raspberry Lemonade quilt, so bright and pretty. You're still getting a lot done with your thesis due so soon.

  7. love the AFH quilt (quilted one of these several yrs ago), and your DWR is looking very nice

  8. Beautiful quilting on your DWR! Love your Lemoande quilt, it looks very summery (which I'm ready for after this winter). Good luck with your goals for March.

  9. Hello Lyn,

    The combination of pinks and yellows is gorgeous. It looks edible. No chance or renaming it Battenberg Cake, is there?

    Love, Muv

  10. Very pretty quilting work. The design is working really well for that block. The Lemonade quilt is going to be adorable....with or without the appliquéd lemons and possible vines.

  11. Your projects are just lovely good luck finishing your thesis.

  12. Very nice quilting. Love the Raspberry Lemonade!

  13. Once again, I've been lax about keeping up with blog-reading, but it's good to stop here and see that you continue to be hard at work! Your DWR quilting is marvelous! You're such a great quilter. And you must be a pro with EQ. I'm waiting and waiting for it to come out in Mac. I have a couple projects I can't wait to design. Your back-basted appliqué block is so pretty! Good to know we were probably watching Sherlock at the same time. Keep on truckin' with that thesis!


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