
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!

We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.

This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.

I got my Hello, Moon put together today:
The sashing is a sparkly light-gray Fairy Frost fabric that was in my stash - in fact, I'm really happy that everything for this quilt came from stash. I can even find something for the back, and definitely have enough batting. No shopping for this project!
The sashing is set at a width for the quilting design I'll be doing on this.  Can't wait to see the effect when I can finally get to it.  :D    I did want to work up a border, but that will make it too large for the spot I want to hang it in. So I may end up trimming the outer sashes down and hoping that if I make the binding a little wider than I usually do, it'll frame it in nicely. I think it will.
Oh! We filled the last hole in our family a couple of days ago. Isabeau is here now - the cutest little Fluff Ball I've ever seen! You can't see her pretty sky-blue Ragdoll eyes here, and her LONG fur is all licked down uncharacteristically flat, but sometime soon I'm sure I'll catch them for you. Such a pretty little thing. Navarre fell instantly in love with what he thinks is the coolest toy in the world - a warm, moving, cotton-fluff-ball delight brought home especially for him. . .  (lol)
So how about you? Have you done any work on your BOM or other interval work lately?



  1. Oh, your new kitty is precious. such a cute face.
    love your little quilt.

  2. Oh my, she is beautiful! I have to admit I'm laughing just a bit about having two kittens in the house. Let the fun begin.

  3. FLUFFY! And really, he likes her? Four months in and we still have hissing. She is freaking adorable, though. I want to squish her!

  4. What is BOM? I am baffled. Can't find it anywhere.

  5. I love how your quilt turned out! Those little shadings are perfect! Your kitty is so cute too!

  6. I am simply over the moon in love with both your "Hello Moon" quilt and Isabeau! Both are beauties!

  7. What a sweet Hello, Moon quilt! and welcome, kitty - such a cutie.

  8. Hi!!!! I love your Hello Moon quilt!!!! And I really really love and want your little fluffy baby!!!!! So adorable!!!!

  9. Isabeau (cute name) is gorgeous! She looks like she likes being patted too. Your quilt is looking good and a bonus that you don't have to buy any more supplies for it.

  10. I love this BOM. It is in my folder for later. Maybe I need to get it started then box it up for later :D I really like the way you have finished it off.


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