
Friday, March 16, 2018

Finish Report! ~ Wonder Woman Postcard mini

I finished my mini quilt for the Elm Street Quilts Postcard Swap. I'll be sharing its story in a couple of weeks. Today it's got a date at the post office.  :)

Linking up at TGIFFlocated at Sandra's this week.
and the 2018 Finish-A-Long Q1 Reports at Sandra's, as this was on my Q1 list

This was my March OMG 


  1. This is fabulous! you totally nailed it!! That quilting is epic! Lovely.

  2. Amazing! Always read Wonder Woman when I was a kid.....many, many years ago....giggle.

  3. Oh Lynette this if FAB-YOO-LUSS!! Lucky recipient! Can't wait to hear the story. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF! ;-)

  4. That is so cool! I loved Wonder Woman and the Bionic Woman and Man and those shows as a kid. Those oldies would look so cheesy with today's modern movies.

  5. That is awesome! Never have I had such admiration for a fabric postcard.

  6. Great card! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  7. Very cool! Such a pretty finish! :)

  8. This postcard was wonderful. 3D even. It's very impressive.

  9. Holy cow Lynette! You should win the prize for the most 1st quarter finishes! I loved reviewing your finishes and had forgotten how many there were .


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