
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Finish Report - a UFO and some community service

I'm happy that I was able to get another UFO finished this month - "The Clampetts" from the Sea Breeze collection of minis:

This one worked up so nice! And here it was one of the ones I didn't really like. I didn't catch a shot that shows the trapunto work's dimension very well. The clams came out perfectly with it, and the seahorse, clown fish, and star fish all got a little trapunto as well. These minis will look so great on the art bars when I get them stretched. Three more to finish quilting, is all!

Note to myself: On these I had not gutted out the fusible before applying it to the fabrics and the quilt top, so even the large background areas have stiffness. See how the 40-wt thread just rides on top of it (that green across the bottom)? For future pieces, only use the Supreme or YLI invisible thread or 50-wt or thinner Aurifil or rayons/silks.

This is one of my Q3 Finish Along pieces (My goal post link)

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side


My other share for this post:  

The day before yesterday I finished this community service flimsy:

I had intended to donate it to the Cinderella House that shelters women and girls that were rescued from human trafficking. But then Pat walked through and said, "Oh! I really like that one!" So did my hubby. Now I'm wondering: if it speaks that much to men, is it completely right for that charity - It must be the pin-stripe shirting in it even though it's pink (combined with the very geometric layout)?  When it's quilted, I think I'll just take it to the firehouse, instead, and see if they can use it for traumatic response comfort for somebody. But first I'm going to have some FMQ fun with it.

I had the HARDEST time getting a shot of the flimsy on its own. Navarre immediately claimed it as his when I draped it over the sofa. 

Even checking out the back:

You can probably guess that I got a ton of shots of him on it before deciding to go do a task or two and come back. But then he was just napping on it, funny boy!

Linking up at:


  1. Well, Navarre was the final vote, yes it does appeal to men :)

  2. Hello Lynette,

    Gorgeous mini quilt, a great companion quilt for the dolphin.

    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks!

    Love, Muv

  3. So gorgeous.... Not sure what else to say. Your talent is something obvious. Thanks for sharing and playing along with the FAL. Visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad.


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