
Sunday, September 27, 2015

BOMs Away - Rebellion (er - Avoidance) & Copyright Receipt

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!
We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.
This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.

I did not want to fuss with the tracing and tracing and tracing and cutting-cutting-cutting, then meticulous placement on fabric of dozens to hundreds of tiny pieces that "Wind in the Whiskers" requires right now. So I threw my BOM schedule out the window this time.

Instead, lots of good work happened with this! Which pulls an old, old kit off the NETY list. It's a flimsy now. :D

and with this community service top as the leader-ender! It's a flimsy now, too.  :)

(More on those later in the week)

And then I wanted SOMETHING to be done on at least one of the BOMs in my rotation, so I scanned in my Scott sketches and printed them out in reverse so I can trace them all. Hopefully by week's end I will have all that done and fabrics chosen from the scrap bin explosion. Then I get that cleaned up and put away until the next 3rd-Sunday. That mess on the floor next to the pool table is driving me insane, and it's the whole reason I didn't want to work on the fusible chores of today's scheduled BOM in the first place. Time to suck it up and work my way through that mental block. (It's very difficult to find the right colors, and hard to make it look like it does in my head, so I give in easily to the lure of other things to work on.)

Oh! And look what came in the mail this weekend! My notification of the copyright on my thesis! From last December. lol!!!  (Gotta love that turn-around time.)


How about you? - Have you worked on any BOMs lately? 


  1. No BOM's on the design board this week so far either so I won't be linking up...did some sight seeing instead. I like all that you got done instead of BOMs! Always good to do something a renewed enthusiasm
    Cath from Bits'nBobs

  2. That tiniy pieces we can see looks already so beautiful!! Love to see all finished. Have a lot of fun sewing this week.

  3. That tiniy pieces we can see looks already so beautiful!! Love to see all finished. Have a lot of fun sewing this week.

  4. So love the brights in the first quilt....that's gorgeous.


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