
Friday, February 8, 2013

Finish Report. :D - Mini Valentines for My Peeps

I rarely indulge in minis since I have such a backlog of work and precious little sewing time. But Valentine's Day just needs minis, you know? Two girls away at college, a hubby with a glaring empty spot at his overhead desk cabinet where everyone else has drawings by their kids. . .  Well, it just demanded a frolic through the scrap bin!

So I whipped up a Valentine for my Honey and one for each of my three girls.

And I made one for a distant cousin who's on my Pay It Forward list. 

Way fun and easy to throw together. I even used doubled-up batting scraps for trapunto with the hearts. 

Love how they pop~!


Link A Finish Friday at Richard's
Whoop! Whoop!


  1. Lyn, you've inspired me! These are absolutely adorable - and doable when pinched for time :*)

  2. Adorable! Love the puffy hearts!

  3. Love the image of you frolicking through your stash Lyn!

  4. Great idea--aren't you the VAlentine's Day sweetie!

  5. I love these! I'm with Teresa, adorable, doable, and inspirational.

  6. They DO pop!! You were on a roll. Love them all! ~karen

  7. If I had more time now, I would make some for my special sweeties. XX Kathleen

  8. Such adorable minis, the fabric is cute and I love their puffiness. If I get a wriggle on I could just manage a couple for Valentines day.

  9. These are really love-ly. (Ha ha, I slay me!) ;)

  10. such sweet valentines! the trapunto adds a nice touch :)

  11. Wowee! You are a fast whipper-upper! They're really cute, especially with that trapunto effect. And I don't even like hearts!

  12. These are gorgeous! I love the trapunto it really makes them extra special :)

  13. Oh, those are so pretty, Lyn! Whoop whoop whoop!!


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