
Friday, February 10, 2012

Award smiles

Wow - I've been getting warm fuzzies from fellow quilters this week! I do love the quilting community and am very grateful for the camaraderie. Three lovely ladies have brightened my days by choosing me for the Versatile Blogger Award and for the Liebster Blog Award. I am honored that they thought of me, and happy that the "tools" I've set up to keep myself moving forward on my projects help other people, too. 

Barbara at Cat Patches, Billie at BillieBee's Blog, Fiona at Celtic Thistle Stitches - Thank you very much for giving me timely fuzzies that lifted my spirits this week!  

Per the award's conventions, here are 7 random things about me:

  • I refuse to let Depression rob me of my life. To those of you who also deal with it, keep looking to the light at the other end of the tunnel, because by this age you know that the tunnel does eventually open up! 
  • I am working on a Master's in history. 
  • When I was in second grade, we left Phoenix, where my teacher was Mrs. Schafer and moved overseas to Tehran, Iran, where my teacher was Miss Schaefer (no relation). This was before their revolution, when most of the people loved Americans, and my favorite activity was riding camels when the merchants came through with their camel trains.
  • I am a serious collector of Newbery Award and Honor books. I have read every one of the 259 that I have so far. I lack 129 and periodically surf Alibris and other sites looking for the older ones. I love the multi-faceted views they bring me of human experience.
  • I just submitted four quilts to my very first quilt show!
  • When we owned horses, our minis had a foal that was as small as our largest cat. Yes, it was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen!!
  • Nothing brings me more joy than my daughters.  :)

And now let me share with you 15 bloggers that brighten my days, in addition to the three who sent me this award. There are many others that I also enjoy - I've tried to choose those with smaller followings that you may not have seen yet. And since my world is inundated with quilting, most of these are blogs by fellow quilters. There are a few surprises, though. ;D

  1. Em! Celebrates - This lady brings smile after smile with her enthusiasm for life and her jubilant artful style
  2. TGIFF - This collaborative blog is a wonderful motivation tool! M-R and Laura started it as a linky coordination for sharing quilt accomplishments on "Thank Goodness It's Finished!" Fridays. Many a UFO's final stitches have been driven by a desire to get it on TGIFF. I rate this right up there with the ever-popular WIP Wednesday linkies.
  3. Alicia's Hiding Place - From quilts to stitcheries to wonderful dolls, Alicia has built a world of fun, and in two languages! I love to practice my Spanish at her blog (when she posts she writes it double in Spanish and in English), and she'll converse with you in either language. 
  4. The Bunkhouse - Ann's quilting is wonderful to watch, and one of the quilters I follow as avidly as Desley and Green Fairy.
  5. Quilts of Love - Margaret's work equally enchants me!
  6. Kissed Quilts - I love to watch Marlene's designs emerge.
  7. Tamarack Shack - Kathy's quilting and snow dyeing are fabulous.
  8. Ivory Spring - Wendy's domestic machine quilting inspires me regularly.
  9. Richard Quilts - This guy is new to quilting, but what spirit! It's infectious.
  10. My Sweet Prairie - Monika's Canadian prairie thread art amazes me every time, from her quilted and stitched "post cards" to her dress and shoes!
  11. Cosmo Quilts - Tutorials from a cat? Seriously, a cat who quilts. How can you not smile while you're eating breakfast? ;D
  12. The Savvy Grandma - my cousin has the most fantastic theme parties for her grandkids!
  13. Pieces of Contentment - I love the photos she shares of her world. Australia's plant life is every bit as exotic as its animal life !
  14. Scratch and Peck - The place to go if you want a good chuckle via some featherly charm. You'll want to visit the archive to start at the beginning.  :)
  15. The Dainty Squid - Kaylah is probably a little outside many of your tastes, but darn it if that young gal isn't the cutest thing in every crazy life-loving color she dyes her hair! She's a breath of fresh air in a world that can be too stifling at times. I must secretly wish I had her gumption!  ;D
There are so many other blogs that I love! Surf around every now and then - visit linky parties that folks host, and you'll find plenty of feasts for your eyes in all kinds of styles! You may even find some kindred spirits.  


Here are the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Add the award to your blog. 
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
3. Mention seven random things about yourself. (see below)
4. List the rules.
5. Award to 15 bloggers.
6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.


  1. Congrats on the award.
    Very interesting things about you. A Masters, WOW. YOu go girl.
    Now I am off to check out some of those blogs. Thanks for sharing.

  2. How fun and congrats! I love Newberry award books, but I definitely have not read as many as you. That's seriously so cool that you got to live in Iran - eh, a little better back then than now, but still really cool.

  3. Thank you so much for picking me.

    Richard Healey

  4. Awe thanks so very much! : ) You can add felted mask sculptures to that list now. oy.
    Much appreciated! I always love your comments. ; )

  5. New blogs to fun! Very interesting about living in Tehran...I had an uncle who worked for Bell Helicopter with his family and they had to flee when the shah fell. One of my favorite books is 'Whirlwind," by Taylor Caldwell set during that time in Iran.

  6. I only just started reading your blog, but it sound like you had an interesting life so far and I will be sure to check out the other blogs you have listed.

  7. Your mini foal must have been so adorable! Hard to imagine a horse the size of a cat.
    Thank you for speaking well of my blog, I'm pleased you enjoy visiting.

  8. You LynCC, are my first follower and by far the sweetest! Thank you for thinking of me!

  9. Lyn, thank you so much! You have inspired me to get my BOM's out and work on them.


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