
Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today I'm sharing 5 bloggers that I chose for the Liebster Award. (Thank you, Fiona at Celtic Thistle Stitches!)

I love so many that I follow, it's really difficult to pull only a handful to share! But here are 5 with smaller followings that make my breakfast time a happy moment of the day:

Ahhh. . . Quilting - Cynthia has a wonderful, fresh modern style and shares a couple of really great free patterns.

A Passion for Applique - Carrie shares helpful tips as she shows us her projects.

Crooked Stitches - Karen's work (both personal and for customers) enchants me. "Oliver" remains one of my favoritest quilts.  :)

The Nifty Stitcher - Rhianon's latest is the cutest little girl's quilt, but you can see from her banner pic that she has a range of styles that she works with.

Touch and Sew - You gotta admire Giles's gumption as he refuses to let a little thing like legal blindness keep him from quilting. Sometimes photos, sometimes not, but always inspiring.

Liebster Conventions:
*Thank your award presenter on your blog 
*Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award
*Copy and paste the award to your blog
*Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that have fewer than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized
*Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog


  1. I love your new layout. It looks very nice, clean lines, fresh!

  2. oops.. too quick with the fingers, wanted to also say congrats on the awards! You are rightly deserving!

  3. Thanks for this post. I found some blogs I was not aware of that I have added to my reading list.


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