
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

~ Flimsy Alert! ~ Chubby Chicks - July OMG

 Here is my July OMG, all finished up.  :) 

"Chubby Chicks" is 60 x 60 inches, and is a Black Mountain Needleworks pattern. This is blanket-stitched fused applique.

This was a kit that I bought who-knows-when - it was in my conglomeration of NETYs (Not Even Touched Yet) that I organized after we moved here summer of 2012. In June 2013, I pulled it out to prewash its fabrics, and our oldest daughter and I got the chick bodies fused down. 

In May this year, EIGHT YEARS LATER, I stitched the bodies, added and stitched the beaks, and stitched in the feet. Now it is a super cute flimsy, hanging in my longarm closet. 

Not sure when its turn will come up, but the binding is made and tidily tucked into my drawer for those. 

I really love having bindings ready to go when I've quilted a top up! Plus, it's nice to release any leftovers "into the wild" of my stash, instead of needing to store them separately somewhere. Maybe 1 in 9 or 10 quilt tops don't have the binding in here - either I didn't already have fabric for that, or I won't know what kind of binding I'll want to do until it's quilted. In 5 years of doing this, there's only been 1 binding I changed my mind about, and that has already been repurposed onto another quilt, so it's all great!

I'll be linking this to the July reporting party at the end of the month:

One Monthly Goal: July


  1. Congrats on the finish. Looks lovely.

  2. I love that quilt! I have the pattern and I pulled it out a few days ago. I want to make this quilt for a future (way future!) great grandchild. I thought I would hand applique my chicks but maybe I'll try fusible, it would be so much faster. Happy stitching!

  3. I like seeing how you store your bindings that are ready to go. I am glad to be down to just two myself.
    Chubby Chicks is so cute and fun! I love the happy green color and the country fabriced chicks.

  4. Lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congratulations on your finish!


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