
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Mid-Week Makings

Still have problems working at the longarm as long as I used to do, so I've been using my Neptune's Gift sit-down sewing as breaks between those sessions.

Finished up the Month 3 work on all 16 units.   :)

But the real work during the week is quilting up this yellowy goodness. It's all squared up and stabilized, and I've just started the fun custom stuff:

I almost don't know how to handle myself with a custom quilt that's only going to use two threads! 

Linking up at Susan's Midweek Makers 


  1. I sure understand about being on your feet too much... and I'm not recovering from COVID! Just standing for hours, cutting out fabrics, is wearing. That's what I've been doing lately, as I'm prepping three different handwork projects for summertime lazy days. Don't want to run out of stuff to work on! The quilt you're quilting looks like a big project, but how nice to use only two threads. You'll probably get it done fairly quickly. Well, at least faster than one quilted on a domestic machine!

  2. The yellow and blue custom quilt is lovely and it will be there waiting for you when you’re feeling stronger again! Meanwhile, those little flying geese are looking fabulous!

  3. I don't stand for long either. Even as a teacher, I don't stand as much as you think. I can walk for extended periods of time but not stand. Sorry your full recovery is so long.


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