
Friday, April 23, 2021

~ Flimsy Alert! ~ Collection For a Cause: Heritage

 Here is a UFO from 2008, now in full Flimsy status!

91 x 91 inches

This is the first Collection for a Cause - Heritage. The historian in me was charmed by the idea of making a replica of a quilt that was made from 1830-1846. This was a period when many of my ancestors were pioneers and it was possible that they could have seen or used some of this fabric when it was originally made. 

Making the pinwheels is as far as I got in 2008. I wanted to use the same placement in my quilt as the original's, so they were carefully paired, marked, and binned up with the setting, sashing, backing, and binding fabrics. Just making all those pinwheels was a lot of work, so that's one reason I tired of the project. Another reason is that it is not my colorway at all. I wasn't highly motivated to pull it back out.

When I made my 2021 UFO lists for the APQ challenge on Facebook (I did one for quilting, one for piecing), I chose a spectrum of projects from favorites to oldies. This was one of my oldest UFOs.

I also made the backing. As I bought this kit long before I had my longarm, I was surprised that I had enough yardage for a longarm backing. It didn't leave me enough to matchy-match the print at the seams, so for once I had to get over myself and ignore that. And, you can see I made the binding as well. Even though it will be quite a while before this gets quilted, I really, REALLY like having the binding ready to go once I've done that. 

I keep all my pre-prepped bindings tidily organized in this drawer, so I always know right where to find them, even if a couple years have gone by. Doing things this way makes sure I don't accidentally release a quilt's binding fabric into my stash when I put away the scraps from the project at Flimsy Stage. 

And now I'm pre-shrinking the batting for the next UFO that's being loaded on the longarm today.  :)

Linking up at 


  1. lovely quilt - there are no time limits

  2. Ohhh it is so beautiful!!! And I love that alert!! haha!! Can't wait to see how you quilt it!!

  3. Beautiful! Yay for getting this project to flimsy status.


  4. It always feels so good to finish piecing an old project. It's very lovely. I always make the quilt binding right away too. I keep my quilts to be quilted on hangers. I always put the binding with the flimsy, that way I know for sure it's there. Happy stitching!


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