
Friday, January 19, 2018

TGIFF never felt so sweet. Oh. My. Stars.

This border of stars 

which coordinates with the columns of oak-leaves

means I have finally - FINALLY - finished the quilting on my Sapphire Stars. 

Yes, I'm being a brat putting up just a teaser. This isn't 100% finished, as it needs trimming, binding, and a little tail-tucking attention. I'll share it "for real" next Friday.

Some of the middle again, just for kicks:

I can't tell you how very relieved I feel. The let-up is making me profoundly sleepy. I never keep a quilt on the priority spot that long unless it's a customer quilt. Without a paycheck, it sorely taxes my supply of mojo, and I have been chafing at the bit the last few days with this work. But this will be a special QOV for my father-in-law, so I wanted it finished and made it my OMG for January instead of alotting it 2 or 3 months of on again/off again attention. 

~*~*~ Linking Up:

TGIFF is at Vera's this week.
Whoop! Whoop! at Sarah's 


  1. I love your finish. I hope your Father in Law loves it. It has so many wondrous details to personalize this Quilt of Valor so to speak. Love the stars and letters. Yeah for you! It is done!

  2. Oh wow! The little bit of your quilt that you posted is gorgeous! What a special gift!

  3. It's amazing! I can't imagine doing that much quilting on any quilt. My QOVs get the all over stars and loops. The oak leaves make me laugh - my husband hates his.

  4. You did a great job with the quilting. Can't WAIT for its glamour shots!! Kevin is going to be SEW happy to see this.

  5. You have done an outstanding job on the quilting. I love the stars and the words USA quilted in. It is fantastic and a FINISH! Yay!

  6. You did a fantastic job. I love how your quilted the center and the gray sashing parts. Wish I could say mine was done. I was with Kevin yesterday for the QOV top we did, and I know he will love your quilt too.

  7. Your quilting is spectacular. That will be a treasure.

  8. Your quilting is GORGEOUS, Lynette! I love those stars and leaves. Tail-tucking? Does that mean you hand knot your threads and bury the thread tails in your quilts?

  9. Oh those quilted stars look fab! So is the rest of quilting! Nice job!

  10. You are teasing us but oh, my the quilt is looking fabulous. Yea for an almost finish!


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