
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Finish Along - Quarter 3 Goal Post, getting back on track

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

It's that time - if you're participating, don't forget to make a Third Quarter "goal" sheet. The 2015 quarterly Finish-Along is hosted by Adrianne over at "On the Windy Side."

Quarter 2 was not productive at all for me in terms of finishes. In fact, I only had one little UFO finish on June 30th, which I never even recorded until now. That was the mini, "Twinkletoes" from my Sea Breeze collection of tops.

It's really hard to photograph the dimensionality of this one. The octopus has some great trapunto behind him:

Our big accomplishment was Devon and Kyle's wedding on June 14th. 

It was a perfect day, but ~WOWZA~ what a ride getting there! I am not a good party planner to begin with, and this at-home garden wedding was complicated by the fact that we could not actually count on the date until within 2 weeks of the event! The groom was at Basic Training for the Marine Corps. This is 13 weeks long, and is notorious for recruits getting bumped back to later finish dates because of anything from pneumonia to sprained ankles, severe pink eye, failed tests or rifle qualification, or even broken bones. So you can't bank on their graduation date until about 12 days before it will actually happen! They then have 10 days off before they report back for the rest of their training sequence before they go to their assigned job. It behooves couples to get married during that break instead of after Combat Training, because they want to get their first fleet assignment (which comes during combat training) as a married Marine, not a single Marine. Who wants that first 3-year assignment to be unaccompanied?? So, we dealt the best we could with the challenge of a possible date change. In the end, it all came off as planned, and even the anomalous weather we've had this spring/summer - weeks and weeks on end of hail every single day - defied that day's forecast to give us a perfect wedding afternoon/evening. 

Three weeks out from their Big Day, I'm almost back to my normal routines. Which includes planning my quilting tracks.  :)

1. Devon & Kyle: 
First in priority is finishing the wedding quilt and the Marine Corps quilt. I'm almost finished hand appliqueing the second half of the ribbons and birds on Devon & Kyle's double wedding ring quilt border. I may or may not get to report this as a complete finish by quarter's end, as the quilting will be highly detailed heirloom intensity, and I only have a tabletop machine.

(super wrinkled since it lives bundled on the back of my sofa for stitching times)

2. Semper Fi, Combass:

Kyle's Marine Corps quilt will definitely be finished by August 31st. :)  Just need to do the detail quilting in the red bands and some background fillers around the stars and in the center medallion. I took it with us to his graduation in San Diego, and was actually astonished that a partially-quilted project with some 500 safety pins in it inside my carry-on did not cue off a hands-on search through airport security. 

(Not spread flat because Navarre thinks this is his, and leaps onto it the second I lay it out anywhere. . . crazy cat!!)

3-7. Sea Breeze minis - These flimsies need finishing  **UFOs**

"Tweedle Dum"
(this shot is an ordering pic for the pattern - not my finished top)

"The Nerdles"

Maybe even "Tootsie and Rumples" or  "The Doodles"

or even "The Clampetts"

I would LOVE to get these two quilted for myself:



Rainbow Jane

And if I win the lottery (difficult, since I never buy tickets), I'll send these out for quilting:

Daisy, Daisy

Starry-Eyed Over Grand Illusion

Holiday Tidings

Or any of the other quilts named on my sidebar UFO list, particularly Kelly's projects.

Lots of big dreaming there in that line-up!!  Truthfully, I'll be happy with 2 finishes and thrilled with 3.


  1. You have a long list! And so many lovely things I look forward to seeing finished! I'd need a full quarter just to recuperate from the wedding!

  2. Lynette, where do I begin commenting on this wonderful post? Every single project you have shown is beyond simple and so so so pretty! Any one of them could come live at my house.

    You and I have quarter 2 in common with finishes and a wedding. I do love the finish that you did have. Trapunto behind the octopus? Yeah, that is above and beyond and so worth it!

    Whoever quilts the wedding quilt (probably you because of the lottery thing) is so lucky. It has so much space in that outside border for beautiful designs.

    Those sea breeze minis have my mouth wide open with awe. Lynette, they are SO BEAUTIFUL! I would have had to put them all into one but at least quilting them and finishing them will be faster in minis.

    Modernology is simple but so clean and fresh. I am really getting into modern quilts - finally.

    What can I say about Dear Jane other than they are immensely challenging and just as fulfilling. I wish you luck on that one. Is it full sized? It looks like it is. - you in quilting and mine in piecing. Mine won't be pieced this year. Have you seen how the Green Fairy quilted hers? It is to die for. Oh how I'd love to pay her to do mine.

    Your pineapple quilt really shows off your color and fabric selection talents. I am in love!

  3. It's funny, but I think about you and Deana both having your daughter's weddings go off beautifully. God was watching over both your families for sure!

    I never knew that about the Marine Corps boot camp, despite having a nephew and my son's best friend go through it. Hooray for Kyle.

    So much awesomeness in your work shown here that I don't know what to say first. The Marine Corp and Wedding quilts are stunning! And the Sea Breeze blocks you make are amazing. What a hoot the names are... it makes me laugh. And my oh my do I love your take on Dear Jane! You do such beautiful work Lyn!

  4. Good Luck Lyn, you have some beautiful work planned next quarter!

  5. Those wedding pictures are lovely and your collections of projects in progress is gorgeous. Good luck with finishing some of them :)

  6. A good line up of projects. Very fun to see your daughter's wedding pics...I saw your earlier post with many shots from the big day. What a great wedding dress! My dad is a retired Marine. My childhood was spent between all the west and east coast bases with one tour in Japan on a Navy base.

  7. Wedding photos look fab! I'm loving your Sea breeze series!

  8. You have so many amazing tops finished and ready to quilt. Love the work on your Twinkletoes mini! The story of Devon and Kyle's wedding is precious - the time requirements are certainly a challenge. All in all you must be very satisfied.

  9. Lynette! All of your quilts are just amazing! They are all so different too! I am like that myself I suppose! I like to try new techniques and various color schemes! Thanks for showing all of these beauties!


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