
Friday, January 23, 2015

Flimsy Alert! ~ "Starry Eyed Over Bonnie's Grand Illusion"

Woohoo!  I finished my quilt top Tuesday night, but a snowstorm kept me from getting photos until now. 

I was so excited to participate in Bonnie Hunter's mystery this winter after watching 5 others roll by without me! With so much on my backlist, I did limit myself strictly to stash-only, and it happened that I had all the colors in her scheme.

So I happily followed along, knowing that I would do most of the work AFTER the holidays instead of with the clue-reveal pace. And now I have my top finished!

You can see that I changed things up. I did all the patches according to Bonnie's plan, but the values of the greens I went with for the checkerboards weren't so great with her assembly.

Bonnie's Grand Illusion quilt, and many peoples' who have finished her design as it is, just shimmers - I totally see the "Illusion" part of the name. It's like a mirage. And I really like that.

But my yellow was not perky enough to stand against the strong emerald/Christmas greens I used. Instead of shimmering, when I laid a large section of Bonnie's design out on the floor, it laughed maniacally at me - like Heath Ledger doing the Joker! Seriously. So I set aside the green checker blocks, which will look AWESOME in either a March green-and-white quilt or put together with white and red for a Christmas quilt. That's for some other time, though.

So I dusted off my EQ program and worked up a design to use all my other Grand Illusion pieces. I decided I wanted to pull green back in somehow since it's an integral part of the first Bonnie mystery I've done. I went through my stash again and found better greens. But I didn't have the heart to work that whole Clue 3 again, nor do I have a good variety of that kind of green to make the scrappy look up that the rest of my quilt has. That's OK. I rather like the idea that popped into my head to morph this into a derivation of the mystery.

This is 93" x 93" and used all my non-Clue3 patches. The star construction is rearranged as well as the overall design, because I sewed the first couple together WRONG, and then decided to just keep them that way. 

I chose my quilt's name to reflect the fun of watching literally thousands of people around the world eagerly anticipate each clue, passing time excitedly chatting with each other, wondering what and when and how. . . sharing ideas on different ways to attack each clue. It was great fun, and we were all starry-eyed together for several weeks. And I'm thrilled with how a bunch of scraps and left-over yardage and orphaned fabrics in my stash all came together so wonderfully in this quilt top!

Thank you, Bonnie!!

Linking up at:


  1. I really like your version. Good job!

  2. I love the green and black sashing with the itty bitty cornerstones. They really add interest to the overall look. Great finish. Congrats!

  3. I'm in love with your border! That really adds to the quilt, which turned out beautifully! I love the personal touches you gave it!

  4. Great way of finishing this project. May be this will be something for me?

  5. This is the best one I've seen yet! Well done, love that sashing!

  6. Wow you don't mess around that is so pretty! I just saw one of the blocks finished off in a mini quilt in person and a single doesn't have the same effect but it was still pretty with those colors. This is just lovely!

  7. I do love your choice of colours. Wish I could send some warmth from here...too hot for me most days :)

  8. Lynn, this is such a beautiful rendition of Bonnie's quilt! You did a wonderful job redesigning using the pieces from the original. The colors just sing!

  9. Wow! I love it! Such a great interpretation. I hope you showed it to Bonnie on her link-up.

  10. Oh I really like it. Including the pink was just brilliant.

  11. Terrific finish - I REALLY like your version!! (and the logic behind the name) (and the photos) . . .


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