
Sunday, January 11, 2015

BOMs Away - Ruffled Roses & Grand Illusion

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays! 
We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately. 
This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.


Today Navarre helped me lay out all the piano key swag blocks that I've made over the months for the final piecing of Ruffled Roses.

He was quite helpful!

And after a lot of time working up the floater borders and tiptoeing on eggshells with the iron (felt like it, anyway, working with those pressed-open piano keys!), 

the final round IS ON!

Now all that's left to do is hand stitching the last of the "berries" onto the floater border. And I've already got those made.  :D

Oh - and during the week I finished all the pieces for Grand Illusion. Here's the whole set of 2's:


Have you worked on your BOMs lately?


  1. Are you kidding me!?! I LOVE the border but those are some tiny, way-too-small, pieces--and it's only the border?

    Okay, I'm over the shock. Whew! I wanted to stop by and say hello. You left a note on my blog, so I thought I'd visit. Honestly, I'm gushing over that border. I love the way the swag is made from square pieces but looks rounded. I'll be back to see more of the quilt but I need to wrap my head around this border first. :-)

    Mary at Fleur de Lis Quilts

  2. I really love your ruffles roses quilt, it's great to see the border is on, and lovely to see you had a helper. I'm looking forward to seeing your Grand Illusion quilt.

  3. Your piano key border is very exciting. Looking good!!!

  4. The piano key border is amazing Lyn, I am so impressed by your ironing skills too :)

  5. What a gorgeous border!

    Your fabrics are so pretty for the Grand Illusion.

  6. Ruffled Roses is beautiful .... Truly gorgeous!!

  7. Wow your border is gorgeous! The whole quilt is so pretty.

  8. Oh gosh that border is to die for! Love it!

  9. So exciting to see this coming together!!

  10. Looking gorgeous, Lyn! I'm still dithering about continuing with Grand Illusion or not. We'll see. Come on over and link to WIPs Be Gone - ends tonight, Midnight. You've made a lot of progress on this BOM.

  11. WOWZERS! Your pressing is so beautiful! Perhaps you should make a quilt sometime with the pressed side being the front! LOLOL.....could be interesting? Navarre makes a really great apprentice!

  12. What a beautiful border! That must have been a lot of work, but it is stunning.

  13. I've never done a BOM but this border is amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing the whole quilt. The corner I can see is beautiful :)

  14. Lyn, that border is so gorgeous! You are a Wizard with your iron, even if you did have to "tiptoe" with it! I've Pinned this!

  15. Oh my gosh, but that's a beautiful border! I can see it took a lot of patience to make. And pressing open seams... I hope you have a Strip Stick for that. It helps a lot! I'm still amazed at what you accomplish in a week. You're Lyn-a-go-go.

  16. The piano key borders are gorgeous! And they seem perfectly aligned too! They are a beautiful next to the appliqués and inner borders. I would love to see the entire quilt.

  17. I just came across your blog. The piano key border is absolutely stunning!! WOW! What I can see from the rest of the quilt, it is gorgeous as well. Such beautiful colours. :)


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