
Monday, March 10, 2014

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!

We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.
This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.

I'm late posting this week!  You won't blame me, though - Saturday morning we woke up to 8" of snow covering the lawn, and yesterday (my BOM day) the temperature quickly rose to 72F degrees with gorgeous skies!!!  Naturally, I spent much of the day outside with my family since it was a one-day weather treat.  :D  Why no pictures???  (gotta fix that next time!)

My piecing machine is out of commission for at least a couple of weeks - it is time for its tune-up visit to start with, but last weekend it refused to raise its feed dogs back up, so there's that issue as well. I won't have time to drive it down to the city until I've finished going through the Berkeley archives for my thesis work, so I'm limited to non-machine-piecing quilting work for the next few weeks. (not a difficult task at all with my stash of UFOs and NETYs!)

So while it was a bummer that I couldn't bring my Ruffled Roses center further along, I spent several hours prepping ALL the rest of the work for this quilt except for the floater mini-borders. It's a pain to pull out all 16 fabrics and cut individually from them every single month, and since I have all the months' directions, I streamlined that task for future sewing:

The 4-patch border's floaters are "math'ed-up" and ready to go:

All the fabrics are cut and pinned for the gazillion HSTs to make the 24 baskets and I cut out all the setting triangles for the basket border. I also cut out the set of swag pieces that I'd somehow overlooked last month:

Oh - I always keep any plastic baggies and little boxes that BOMs or fabric orders arrive in. The boxes I use to re-shelf projects that I get prepped for further work later on, and the baggies I use for times like this to keep pieces organized in sets:

And then I cut all the extra little pieces for basket bases (there are a lot more than it looks like in these stacks - took forever):

I also cut the remaining 8 applique cornerstones and traced the designs on their backs:

And during the evening show I even got one of them back-basted for the first element (stems):

I must have been absorbed in the show more than usual, because normally I have more handwork to show for that much time.  ;D

So how about you? Have you done any work on your BOM or other interval work lately?


  1. Maybe we all need to send our machines in more regularly if we would get as much prep work done. Good for you.

  2. Your organization is impressive and it'll be nice to have all your cutting ready to roll. Neat and tidy:-)

  3. You're all ready to go - that was a lot of work you did with not a stitch taken - impressed. I tried to link the post but with no title to it all I could use is the link to the blog. Hope that's okay.

  4. Sometimes it can be a relief when one's sewing machine is out of commission! It's a good excuse to slow down and do the hand work... which I personally love, but don't stop long enough to accomplish much of it.

  5. I hope your machine gets well soon!

  6. Oh my!! that is a ton of little pieces! Good for staying focused. I'd probably let it derail me. :)

  7. Dang, that's some impressive organization! I love the colors in Ruffled Roses - so springy and cheerful. I saw a finished one on a blog somewhere - it's going to look so nice!

  8. WOW! That was A LOT of prep work! I am like you with saving bags.....I just wish my projects looked as organized as yours!


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