
Thursday, May 30, 2013

NewFO Report for May - It's a Hoot - Daisy, Daisy - fabric for Mother's Day

I really have been getting bits of sewing in beyond the weekly BOM time. We've just been busy with gorgeous weather activities, college kids home again, visitors, and friends' children's graduations - so my blogging time has been shoved to the back burners. But I wanted to get my monthly NewFO report up, especially since that sewing has thoroughly enchanted me this month.  

First of all, when May 1 rolled around and I was supposed to put April's away in the stage it was at, I just couldn't. I loved it too much and kept feeling the pull to finish it to flimsy stage. And Barbara was a superb enabler.  ;D

So - my Momo "It's a Hoot" layer cake and yardage became this gorgeous quilt top using  Amber Johnson of A Little Bit Biased's Mod Medallions pattern.  I already have some ideas of how I want to quilt it, but that stage is definitely tabled until I accomplish some priority finishes.

I really liked how this pattern worked with the layer cake. The medallions are just a wee bit smaller than the pre-cuts, so you have a little wiggle room to fussy-cut things like this one when they're not centered on the cake layer:

Once I finished that top, it was time to pull a new kit from storage for May's NewFO. (An easy diversion from the priority quilting finish to justify since my Sapphire was in shop for annual maintenance and the project helps with lowering the UFO/NETY load.)

This is another one that enchanted me too much to get to the blocks-made stage and then put away again, so "Daisy, Daisy" is also a complete flimsy. Both are carefully folded and in clip hangers, adding more beauty to my "Waiting-to-be-quilted" closet. I'm glad I pushed through with it, as it thoroughly charmed my husband, too.  :D

My brain has been spinning about next month's NewFO, which will create something from one of the three pieces of quilting fabrics that my 19yo gave me for Mother's Day.  I got 2 yards of blue with a nice large-scale butterfly/floral print, 2 yards of funny owls, and a yard of small-scale border print. When your daughter does that for you on a shopping-diet year, how can you not ignore the storage closet of untouched kits and do something brand new?   But I'm being good. I'm only going to pull from stash to coordinate in whatever design I come up with for the really fun Opal Owls piece. Come back in 2 or 3 weeks to see that flimsy.  ;D


  1. Your top is stunning... I can see why you wanted to keep going!

  2. your quilts are just fabulous!

  3. The medallion design looks really great and the Daisy Daisy one is amazing. I love the colours. Very cute owl fabric.

  4. Those are gorgeous quilts. Always happy to be the enabler. Any other addictions you'd like to engage in?

  5. Love Love Love the purple, yellow, green quilt top!!!

  6. You're unbelievable! That Mod Medallions is wonderful! I cannot fathom how you accomplish so much... nor how MANY UFO/NewFOs you can pull from that closet! Do you know how many you have? It's the quilting that slows me down, immensely. I feel like I've been grinding away at it for weeks, but in all honesty, I just find other, more fun things to do (like read blogs!) rather than quilt. Sigh. That's always been my problem. Anyway, keep on goin'. You're doing fabulously!

  7. I don't know which of your two quilts today I like the best!!! I'm a real sucker for pineapples and lots of color, so Daisy Daisy is probably my favorite, but that Mod Medallion is super yummy too :*) Great finishes!!!

  8. Gorgeous quilts! Both are spectacular, I couldn't pick one over the other. Looking forward to seeing what you make out of your cute owls.

  9. Your quilts are just too cute! I really like your pineapple quilt!

  10. Love your May NewFo!! That owl fabric looks like it will be a challenge......


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