
Sunday, February 17, 2013

BOMs Away Monday - Beachwalk and Angelina Gallery

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!

We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.
This week's link-up is at the bottom of this post.

This week's focus is my McKenna Ryan "Beach Walk" project. Had hoped to get this last block fused together so I could assemble the quilt next month, but two wrenches got thrown in the mix. It's taken up almost all my quilty time this week to get ready for a quilting retreat I'm going to in a few days. I did manage to get all the pieces traced and ready for fabric placement. 

The other thing is that all the pieces in the bag on the right get cut out of Angelina rather than regular fabric, and I'm pretty darn sure the amount I have will not be enough. So I'll have to order some and do all the fusing when this project gets its March turn. But I have some eye candy for you!

You can do gorgeous things with the iridescent Angelina fibers, such as this goldfish scene by Lisa Quintana:

And this amazing waterscape by Betty A

It comes in many colors, good for things beyond water, such as this dragonfly by Susan Vassallo:

And check out this gorgeous church by Kay McLaren:

As you can imagine, this stuff looks far better in real life than what the camera can capture.

Pretty cool, huh?  And it's so very easy to work with - comes in many colors. There are far more applications than the 2-D items I've linked in this post. Great 3D play available with stamps and blocks, for example. It's even supposed to be washable for clothing applications. Haven't tried that, so I can't give you feedback.  You can find lots of How-To videos on YouTube like this one from Betty Blais:

(If that doesn't work, just go to YouTube and search for Angelina fibers.)


 What have you guys done on BOMs or interval projects lately? Weeklies are welcome along with regular projects that you’ve broken into monthly units, and –of course- true BOMs.   Share your eye candy and show off your progress since the last time you linked up! There are some wonderful monthly and weekly projects going on out there.  


  1. Unfortunately I don't have any to share this week I should be able to join in :). Lots of beautiful quilts in this post!

  2. Love the McKenna Ryan patterns. I'm anxious for the Wind in the Whiskers to come out.

  3. Love the goldfish scene by Lisa. Thanks for sharing these different quilts and projects.

  4. Have fun at the retreat. You definitely showed some serious eye-quilt candy on this post. :)

  5. I'd never even here of Angelina all that eye candey.

  6. I've never heard of Angelina - so many possibilities in quilting.....
    If ever I join a quilting group or take any quilting lessons I may learn about more details.

  7. Wow! They are all absolutely amazing :-D

  8. Those are some gorgeous uses of that fabric! Never heard of it before, and now I need some!


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