
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

End-of-Month Report - Jan 2013

It's a good start for a year of finishes and UFO slaying! 

Thanks to Carrie,   

and Lynne for the excellent motivation this year!!  Never Too Hot To Stitch!

For January I'd pulled 3 UFOs to try and finish, and I had a gift I needed to make post-haste that wouldn't be filled by any of my UFOs.

So how'd it go?

1. While Heather was still home for the holidays, we finished her Synergistic Windmills, a wonderful queen-sized geometric study. This is a UFO that was started summer of 2010 and lurched forward bit by bit during college breaks.  

2. I succeeded in FINALLY finishing twin-sized Marissa's Moment of Caprice, also started in 2010.

(3. Hawaiian Etude) - well, I got it moved forward significantly but it lacks maybe 2 more hours of hand quilting. 

Hey! Two out of three UFOs is not bad at all, considering the enormous amount of work Caprice demanded and the fact that I had to whip together this puppy out of my stash:

4. Patrick's Hounds' Blues - A real hit, to be blogged on Friday.  :)

So, 3 finishes this month! I'm sure that pace will slow down when the easier finishes are squared away. I only have so many projects that just need binding.  ;D

How did you do on your finishes in January?  Jump on in and join one of the parties I linked above. Nothing like Blogosphere camaraderie to motivate us!


  1. 2 out of 3 is excellent plus the extra finish! Whoo! Hoo! Yippeeeee!!!! Well done!

  2. Way to GO! Standing ovation all the way from MN!!!

  3. Thanks for reminding people about my linky party. You've done well, and you've still got two days to finish that hand-quilting!

  4. Lovely quilts and congrats on the finishes! Well done!

  5. Congrats on all of those amazing finishes!! Hopefully you can keep up the momentum throughout the year. I definitely believe in you!

  6. Oh, I love, love, love that houndstooth quilt!!

  7. Wow, productive month! Love the houndstooth and the windmills!

  8. Good job! They're all beautiful!

  9. What beautiful quilts, the Moment of Caprice quilt is stunning!


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