
Monday, November 14, 2011

BOMs Away Monday - 14 Nov 2011 (and an HST tip)

I'm feeling happy!  AQS awarded me the Blog of the Week. Never thought my humble little place would tickle their fancy.  :)

Welcome to my Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays! 
(We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.)

Whew! Got two monthlies totally caught up. :D

Baby Janes: 

And the Flying Needles guild BOMs:



Notice all those tiny HSTs in the September block?  No way was I going to make those any other way but by using free print-out sheets that make the task so much faster and accurate.  (Just make sure your printer is printing at 100%, and not "fit to page" or whatever your software calls that mode.)

Pin paper to right-sides-together fabrics, sew on dotted lines.

Cut on solid lines. Sit down in front of a nice show and pull the papers off.  :)  

You get perfect HSTs every time.  :D

P.S.  Be sure to check out the unique GIVEAWAY that BOMs Away Regular, Marlene of Kissed Quilts is having until Sunday midnight (the 13th) Pacific time. She's designed several quilts for challenges the last few months. You just might enjoy being her follower, too. My favorite is her "1892 Rondure":


What interval project have you got going? Weeklies are welcome along with regular projects that you've broken into monthly units, and -of course- true BOMs.  Share your eye candy and show off your progress since the last time you linked up! There are some wonderful monthly and weekly projects going on out there. You guys amaze me.  :D


  1. Wow! Look at you go! Your blocks look great.

  2. Good for you for keeping up with your Janes. Mine are on vacation until 2013. I love doing my HST's with paper too.

  3. Your dear Jane is coming along beautifully. I haven't worked on mine in over a year. Seeing yours is making me rethink getting mine back out. Thank you for the opprtunity to show my BOM

  4. Oh no, I seem to be adding a new BOM project at the rate of one a week... I don't know whether I'll get any of my older projects finished, but gee, I'm having fun! PS I've downloaded all the current My Tweet blocks (and ordered the central panel) so I'm tossing up whether to start that too, or whether to leave it for next year... hmmm... decisions??

  5. Your blocks are perfect. Congrats on your award!

  6. You deserve the award. You have one great blog. I have to ask...did you make up your sheet on your side bar for the Dear Jane progress? I would love to have one ... I've just joined Janiacs Unite! Love your baby Janes too!

  7. Congratulations on the award!
    I have never tried the "Janes" but I did buy a book of patterns about 15 years ago and still have it. (Never say "never)!

  8. You deserve your award, you have such a great blog!! Those baby janes are really special.

  9. Congratulations on your award! It was interesting to know you use back basting for DJs. I'll have to try that.

  10. Ok you sent me to this post learning about the HST. Now I fell in love with the blocks you listed under name Baby Janes. Is that the name of those blocks the 3rd one down the list I love the color and even more love the block. where did you find those.


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