
Monday, February 28, 2011

We've All Been Robbed!

Hmph. For those of us who have monthly quilting goals set, February's lack of 2 whole days is a real bummer!

Since we lost all that time, I'm going to stop feeling bummed that I didn't get to my Beachwalk (I'll sneak it in tomorrow if I can). I did manage to slip two of my UFO BOMs under the wire despite a serious load of "real" work today.

And, of course, now the camera's dead and there are no batteries left in the house, so I can't upload those pics yet. But I can find pics on the web of the whole projects! hahahaha  (Man, I need sleep!)

The first one this morning was for this fun quilt from the 2010 Patchwork Party:

The second one (pair, actually) was for the Selvages quilt:

And now I have to go fall into my bed - won't even bother me that Dev's got the TV blasting over the noise of the treadmill, either. . .


  1. Oh, how funny! And you are so right! You know, if Feb had 30 days we might never have UFO's because of all the extra sewing time. Too cute!!

    So is your quilt, and thanks for the kind advice about the dreaded PP. (Paper Piecing!)

  2. Yep, we have been robbed but that is okay....we have the quilts!


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