
Sunday, January 31, 2016

BOMs Away - a mess of a day

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!
We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.
This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.

Nope. I didn't get my Allietare finished. When I was working on the diamond borders, I found that I'd sewn all 220 triangles on THE WRONG WAY AROUND. (See how they're sideways instead of having the blue on the edge of the border when they're lined up?)

So Friday's sewing time was spent undoing all of those (four hours), and then Saturday I got most of them re-sewn and got one side mostly sewn together so I could make sure I was going to have enough units. 

Today I finished fixing all the triangle additions and made the few extra units that will be needed. That's all I accomplished, though. I had to undo and redo and undo and redo things right and left. Not sure what my problem was, but it was physical as much as mental. I finally just gave up and went back upstairs to read in bed for a couple of hours. On the way, though, the cats asked for their lunch, and I couldn't even do that right!!!  heh!  You should have seen the freakzoid look they gave me when I spilled everything all over the place. I just wanted to cry, so I told them to get over it and enjoy their buffet service. Yes, I really did just leave it all there for them to clean up for me!  Hope your day went more smoothly.  :D

Oh!!  But speaking of cats - we got a new family member! Well, sorta. Heather needed an apartment companion, so when she was down here the other day, I went to the rescue site to check out the current cats while she was at her preceptor's office. This fella here was THE SWEETEST CUDDLE PAL right off the bat with a most excellent purr motor! No behavioral problems - he was dumped on the street by people who were moving where they couldn't have a pet.

That snuggly personality is worth oodles of gold, and yet he was practically free because of his adulthood. 

So I scooped Lupin up and adopted him pronto after Heather saw the pics that I texted and said she'd trust my personality judgement.

And it was love at first sight on both sides when Heather got back to my place. She was thrilled at her new-found friend and happily took him back up to her place, where he has settled in very contentedly, despite the new, super-confusing experience of having claw shields glued on. I was right - he's a total teddy-bear of a cat, sleeping snuggled up under the covers with a human that he's happy to love whole-heartedly.

Have you worked on any BOMs or similar projects lately? 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

BOMs Away - Allietare Almost There

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!
We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.
This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.

So, I got all my Allietare center assembled, and I'm really happy with it. I wasn't sure about the color change-up at first when I laid the blocks all out, but Marissa liked it, and lots of folks on Facebook really liked it, too. After some overnight marinating, it really grew on me. I agree that it has a Spanish look now, but I'm still calling it Allietare.  :)

I didn't get a photo of the assembled and trimmed center before it got dark, but you get the idea here.

Bonnie's design calls for a stop border in the teal of my color way, followed by a solid border in black. I do have enough black left, but it really overpowers this colorway. The only color that has enough remaining for a border is the gold set. It looks a little sad, though, with just that, so I played around with my EQ program to come up with a way to use some of the little bonus HSTs from all those decapitated geese patches.

 So now I'll be making some 110 of these bitty units for a border treatment in the gold:

Yep. Those are tiny HSTs in the end! They are 1/2" finished. I think I've lost my mind. But I have all 330 that I need meticulously trimmed, and maybe half of the rest of the pieces cut out. 

So, there's more work to be done on this mystery quilt before I get back to my normally-scheduled BOMs, but I'm happy with my border design, and looking forward to finishing it this week!

Have you worked on any BOMs or similar projects lately? 
We'd love to see your progress or plans.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

BOMs Away - Allietare, a Kitty, and a Surprise

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!
We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.
This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.

I'm far from being back on track with my usual work load, but I got a ton of work finished on my Allietare.

I finished Clues 2, 3, and 4, and got a bit started on Clue 5. I really love that I have something like 600 bonus little HSTs from all the dog-ears I double-seamed for the decapitated flying geese units. Those are going to be super fun to play with some time.

When Bonnie let the clues out, I got 1-3 cut with only one patch sewn from 2 and 3. Everything else fell by the wayside until after the holidays, our cruise, and being sick. But now I'm on track for having this quilt top all put together by month's end if not a week from now. That makes me happy.

I would have finished more of 5 today if somebody warm and furry and super sweet hadn't decided to suddenly start being a lap cat while I was pinning sub-patches together. We've been trying to convince him to be more cuddly for ages, so I had to watch a movie instead of returning immediately to my machine. 

And one more thing to share. Check it out! A couple of weeks ago, I was named Student of the Month at Taekwondo!  :D  That actually means a lot to me, because there are tons of people, and this was only the second month this has been given out. 

Have you worked on and BOMs or similar projects lately? We'd love to see your progress or plans.  :)

Monday, January 11, 2016

BOMs Away Monday - If you're out there :)

Welcome to the Link-Up for BOMs Away Mondays!
We'd love to see the BOM you're working on lately.
This week's link-up is at the bottom of the post.

::Robyn Williams Genie voice from "Aladdin":::  

"Oy! Ten thousand yeeeears will give you such a crick in the neck!"

Well, it hasn't been ten thousand years, but it sure has been a long time that I've been away. I got slammed trying to finish special Christmas presents in time for shipping and for us to leave on a very special extended-family vacation gifted to everyone by my father and his wife (in addition to decorating the house for one person who had to stay home for work and the houseguest they would have, and just plain getting all the rest of us ready for that trip). The chaos of those efforts and a Lupus flare that was compounded with a cold and persistent vertigo kept me spinning until now just to manage normal daily functions. 

Now that I am almost back to normal status, I'll post a linky for BOMs Away in case anyone is still out there and has gotten themselves back to normal operating mode in quilting matters. I sure haven't, so I don't have anything BOMish to share. I don't even have photos loaded into my computer yet to share my Christmas finishes. I'll get back to you in a couple days with that stuff.

Scott and Me

Grandpa & Barbara with all the present grandkids on Christmas Day

But here's a fun pic or two from our Christmas cruise in the western Caribbean that my father and his wife gifted to everyone! It spanned both Sundays around Christmas and stopped at Cozumel in Mexico, Grand Cayman, and Montego Bay in Jamaica. We got to spend time with relatives we rarely see, we basked in a climate that is completely different from Colorado's, and maxxed out our shore excursion fun. It was worth the almost-two weeks of being ill afterward.  :)  

A couple Cozumel shots:

Scott, Heather, Me, Marissa at the ruins of Tulum in Mexico

Marissa and Julia overlooking the sea at Tulum in Mexico

Me and Scott with some Mayans at Tulum in Mexico.
(Yes, that's a real boa, and it was beautiful)

A couple Grand Cayman shots:

Our family & Nicole's at Dolphin Cove on Grand Cayman
Heather with Lucea, who seemed like she was having a lot of fun with us

Marissa and me at Stingray City (a sandbar 1/2 hour ferry ride off of Grand Cayman)

A couple Jamaica shots:

Climbing Dunns River Falls
Our family and Nicole's
Montego Bay from ship's top on Christmas Eve

Thanks, Dad!!!

I sure hope you all had a nice Christmas. If you're still around and have anything to post that you've accomplished in the last few weeks with your BOMs or other interval works, feel free to link up more than one of those posts.